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Krishnamurthy, Rajeshwari; Ghiasy, Richard
Furthering India-EU & triangular collaboration / Rajeshwari Krishnamurthy & Richard Ghiasy. - [Bangkok] : IPCS-Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies ; Leiden Asia Centre ; Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2022. - 40 Seiten = 2,3 MB PDF-File. - (IPCS Special Report ; 215)Electronic ed.: Bangkok : FES, 2023
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Nogsuan Sawasdee, Siripan; Domjun, Jiraporn
2020-2021 / Authors: Siripan Nogsuan Sawasdee, Jiraporn Domjun. - Bangkok : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Thailand Office, 2022. - 62 Seiten = 6,8 MB PDF-File. - Electronic ed.: Bangkok : FES, 2023ISBN 978-616-8192-17-7
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Vu, Anh Ngoc; Pham, Quynh Phuong; Le, Binh Quang
Analysis of media discourse / Vu Ngoc Anh, Pham Quynh Phuong, Le Quang Binh. - Bangkok : Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Office for Regional Cooperation in Asia, 2022. - 35 Seiten = 1 MB, PDF-File. - Electronic ed.: Bangkok : FES, 2023
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Sodnomdarjaa, Davaasuren
= [Covid-19 and the perspectives for gender justice in Mongolia] / Sudlaač: Dr. S. Davaasürėn [Davaasuren Sodnomdarjaa Ph.D.]. - Ulaanbaatar : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2022. - 38 Seiten = 2 MB, PDF-File. - Electronic ed.: Ulaanbaatar : FES, 2023. - Bilingual edition
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Ahlah sudlaač: S.Tulga, HNHDS-ijn NUT-ijn ėrhlėgč (Ph.D). - Ulaanbaatar : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2022. - 100 Seiten = 3 MB, PDF-File. - Electronic ed.: Ulaanbaatar : FES, 2023
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Lee, Ji Yeon
[Human rights, migration, gender] / [Dr. Lee Ji Yeon, Ehwa University]. - [Seoul] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, [2022]. - 28 Seiten = 1,2 MB PDF-File. - Electronic ed.: Seoul : FES, 2023. - Korean script
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Yoon, Bo Young
[Yoon Bo Young, Dongguk University]. - [Seoul] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, [2022]. - 32 Seiten = 1,3 MB PDF-File. - Electronic ed.: Seoul : FES, 2023. - Korean script. - With English abstract
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Kim, Sung Kyung
[Colonial gaze and gendered narrative in memoirs of North Korean women] / [Kim Sung Kyung, University of North Korean Studies]. - [Seoul] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, [2022]. - 27 Seiten = 1,1 MB PDF-File. - Electronic ed.: Seoul : FES, 2023. - Korean script. - With English abstract
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Katsioulis, Christos; Dienes, Alexandra; Weiss, Simon
Limits of European engagement in Russiaʿs war against Ukraine / Christos Katsioulis, Alexandra Dienes, Simon Weiss. - Vienna : FES Regional Office for International Cooperation - Cooperation and Peace, December 2022. - 10 Seiten = 1 MB, PDF-File. - (Perspective). - (Security radar)Electronic ed.: Wien : FES, 2022ISBN 978-3-98628-227-1
Vaz, Fiona; Rahmadhani, Peny; Affiat, Rizki Amalia
Learning from feminist responses / Fiona Vaz, Peny Rahmadhani and Rizki Amalia Affiat. - Kathmandu : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Nepal Office, Gender Justice Hub Asia, 2022. - 23 Seiten = 1,7 MB PDF-File. - Electronic ed.: Kathmandu : FES, 2022
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Mirco Günther
Nicole Castillo
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