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Syria: Looking at Challenges Ahead

Veranstaltungsnummer: 237674als .ics herunterladen

Syria: Looking at Challenges Ahead

Eight years after the war in Syria began, the country is still witnessing violence. Recent military operations in northern Syria have made the situation even more complex. At the same time, other areas of the country have seen a degree of stabilization. While a political settlement and reconciliation do not seem to be on the horizon, the debate about reconstruction and return has been gaining momentum. Yet, important political and social questions that would need to be addressed to achieve sustainable stabilization remain unresolved.

What are the main challenges regarding stabilization, reconciliation, recovery and return in Syria? What influence do local, regional and global actors inside Syria have and what are they trying to achieve? What are the repercussions of recent military operations in northern Syria? What can Germany and the EU contribute to further stabilization? What can, should and is already being done? What should be avoided? What are options for cooperation? These and other questions will be discussed with our guests and panelists.


5.30 pm Registration

6.00 pm Welcome
Christiane Kesper, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

6.15 pm Panel Discussion
Dr. Nils Schmid, MP, Foreign Policy Spokesperson
Dr. Maha Yahya, Carnegie Middle East Center, Beirut
Dr. Joseph Daher, University of Lausanne / European University Institute, Florence
Shorash Darwish, Lawyer, Expert for Kurdish Affairs
Followed by Q&A
Moderator: Dr. Muriel Asseburg, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP)

8.00 pm Reception

Event Location:
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, House 2, Hiroshimastr. 28, 10785 Berlin

The discussion will be held in English. Arabic-English translation will be provided. Regarding questions of accessibility, please contact the organizer.



Mittwoch, 13.11.19
18:00-22:00 Uhr



Hiroshimastraße 28
10785 Berlin, Haus 2


Kroschewski Medina, Antje


Hiroshimastr. 28, 10785 Berlin

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