Alle Publikationen zu Klimawandel, Energie und Umwelt

Pottinger-Glass, Chloe; Archer, Diane; Asvanon, Raja

Just urban transition and labor

Transformative visions for a low-carbon future
Bonn, 2023

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Adolphi, Peter

Welche Potenziale hat das Thema Nachhaltigkeit für Mecklenburg-Vorpommern?

Diskussionsbeitrag im Rahmen des Monitor Deutschland 2035
Berlin, 2023

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Knápek, Jaroslav

Energy without Russia: Country report Czech Republic

The consequences of the Ukraine war and the EU sanctions on the energy sector in Europe
Budapest, 2023

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Barrie, Jack; Grooby, Gael

Going circular

How the Harmonized System Codes can/not support a circular economy and what else could be done
Bonn, 2023

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Daibes, Farah

Feminist ecological economics

For a just and sustainable future in MENA and beyond
Beirut, 2023

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Aleksieva, Remina; Tcolova, Kalina

Energy without Russia: Country report Bulgaria

The consequences of the Ukraine war and the EU sanctions on the energy sector in Europe
Budapest, 2023

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Energy without Russia: Country report Italy

The consequences of the Ukraine war and the EU sanctions on the energy sector in Europe
Budapest, 2023

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Labunski, Frank

Energy without Russia: Country report Germany

The consequences of the Ukraine war and the EU sanctions on the energy sector in Europe
Budapest, 2023

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Pētersone, Krista

Energy without Russia: Country report Latvia

The consequences of the Ukraine war and the EU sanctions on the energy sector in Europe
Budapest, 2023

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Csernus, Dóra

Energy without Russia: Country report Hungary

The consequences of the Ukraine war and the EU sanctions on the energy sector in Europe
Budapest, 2023

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Tkalec, Tomislav

Energy without Russia: Country report Slovenia

The consequences of the Ukraine war and the EU sanctions on the energy sector in Europe
Budapest, 2023

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Christidis, Yiorgos

The interplay between the green transition, geopolitics and energy security

The changing energy landscape in Greece, Bulgaria and Serbia
Athens, 2023

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Biesenbender, Kristin; Leinker, Timm

Wirtschaft in der Zeitenwende - Energie, Stagflation, Transformation

Tagungsdokumentation des Kocheler Kreises für Wirtschaftspolitik
Berlin, 2023

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Ribó Pérez, David

Energy without Russia: Country report Spain

The consequences of the Ukraine war and the EU sanctions on the energy sector in Europe
Budapest, 2023

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Murafa, Corina

Energy without Russia: Country report Romania

The consequences of the Ukraine war and the EU sanctions on the energy sector in Europe
Budapest, 2023

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