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report / prep. by Phenix Center for Economics and Informatics Studies .... - Wendebuch. - Amman, 2013. - 15, 16 S. = 610 KB, PDF-File. - (Labor watch reports)Electronic ed.: Amman : FES, 2013. - Engl. and arabic textISBN 978-9957-576-00-4
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"the new trade unions, controversy of legitimacy" / Phenix Centre for Economic and Informatics Studies .... - Amman, 2012. - 23 S. = 520 KB, PDF-File. - (Jordan labor watch ; 2012,2)Electronic ed.: Amman : FES, 2013
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analytical report / by Jordan Labor Watch, an affiliate of The Phenix Center for Economics and Informatics Studies .... - Amman, 2012. - 11 S. = 380 KB, PDF-File. - Electronic ed.: Amman : FES, 2013
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"gap between the international standards and the reality prevailing in Jordan" / by Labor-Watch Jordan, an affiliate of The Phenix Center for Economics and Informatics Studies .... - Amman, 2011. - 9 S. = 365 KB, PDF-File. - Electronic ed.: Amman : FES, 2013
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prep.b by Phenix Centre for Economic and Informatics Studies .... - Amman, 2011. - 16 S. = 3,6 MB PDF-File. - (Jordan labor watch report series ; 2011,4)Electronic ed.: Amman : FES, 2013
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Amami, Mongi
a call for social solidarity in Tunisia / Mongi Amami. - Berlin : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Department for Global Policy and Development, 2011. - 5 S. = 140 KB, PDF-File. - (Perspective / Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung)Electronic ed.: Berlin ; Bonn : FES, 2011. - Title only available onlineISBN 978-3-86872-788-3
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report / prep. by Phenix Center for Economics and Informatics Studies .... - Amman, 2011. - 17 S. = 1,3 MB PDF-File. - (Jordan labor watch report series ; 2011,1)Electronic ed.: Amman : FES, 2013
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Belhimer, Ammar
Ammar Belhimer. - Alger : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2008. - 55 S. = 630 KB PDF-Files. - (L'Algérie de demain)Electronic ed.: Alger ; Bonn : FES, 2009ISBN 978-9961-9689-5-6https://library.fes.de/pdf-files/bueros/algerien/06420-index.html
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Lebanese Trade Union Association. - Beirut, 2007]. - 208 S. = 5 MB, PDF-File. - In arabic language. - Electronic ed.: Beirut ; Bonn : FES, 2008
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Union Générale Tunisienne du Travail, Département des Études et de la Documentation. - Tunis, 2006. - 62 S. = 700 KB, PDF-File. - (Opinions syndicales)Electronic ed.: Tunis ; Bonn : FES, 2007ISBN 9973-875-24-9
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Mirko Herberg
+49 (0)30 26935-7458Mirko.Herberg(at)fes.de
Matthias Weber
+49 (0)30 26935-7744Matthias.Weber(at)fes.de
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