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Trade unions & migration - crossed perspectives ; Collective publication / Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, RSMMS. - La Marsa-Corniche : Friedrich Ebert Foundation - Tunisia Office, December 2020. - 100 Seiten = 3,3 MB PDF-File. - (PROMIG-FES (2017-2020) project series ; No 7/2020)Electronic ed.: Tunis : FES, 2021ISBN 978-9938-815-07-8
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Sindicatos y migraciones - miradas cruzadas ; Obra colectiva / Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, RSMMS. - La Marsa-Corniche : Friedrich Ebert Stiftung - Oficina de Túnez, Diciembre 2020. - 108 Seiten = 3,3 MB PDF-File. - (Serie del proyecto PROMIG-FES (2017-2020) ; Num. 7/2020)Electronic ed.: Tunis : FES, 2021ISBN 978-9938-815-08-5
Slaiby, Ghassan; Ezzat, Mouna; BenMousa, Iqbal
[managing the crisis in Egypt, Tunesia and Lebanon] / [Ghassan Slaiby, Mouna Ezzat, Iqbal BenMousa]. - [La Marsa] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung [Regional Trade Union Program], [2020]. - 54 Seiten = 9,5 MB PDF-File. - Electronic ed.: Tunis : FES, 2020. - Arabic script
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[Abd Elmajeed Elamouri Boughra and other authors]. - [La Marsa] : Arab Trade Union Confederation ; Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung [Regional Trade Union Program], 2020. - 78 Seiten = 12 MB, PDF-File. - Electronic ed.: Tunis : FES, 2020. - Arabic script
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[Authors: Sami Aouadi, Ghassan Slaiby, Abd Elmajeed Elamouri Boughra, Mounther Elkhour]. - [La Marsa] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung [Regional Trade Union Program], [2020]. - 43 Seiten = 2,6 MB PDF-File. - Electronic ed.: Tunis : FES, 2020. - Arabic script
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Djabi, Nacer
History, survey and options / Nacer Djabi with the collaboration of Fadila Akkache, Hocine Zobiri and Samir Larabi. - Algiers : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Algeria Office, 2020. - 31 Seiten = 360 KB, PDF-Fle. - (Study). - (Labour and social justice)Einheitssacht.: Les syndicats en Algérie . - Electronic ed.: Algier : FES, 2020ISBN 978-9931-551-13-3
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Fisher, Ben
Les syndicats du secteur des TIC israélien / Ben Fisher. - Berlin : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Politique Globale et Développement, Septembre 2020. - 12 Seiten = 190 KB, PDF-File. - (Les syndicats en transformation 4.0). - (Travail et justice sociale)Einheitssacht.: Unlikely unionists . - Electronic ed.: Berlin : FES, 2020ISBN 978-3-96250-695-7
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El trabajo organizado en el sector de las TIC de Israel / Ben Fisher. - Berlin : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Departamento de Política Global y Desarrollo, Septiembre 2020. - 12 Seiten = 220 KB, PDF-File. - (Sindicatos en transformación 4.0). - (Trabajo y justicia social)Einheitssacht.: Unlikely unionists . - Electronic ed.: Berlin : FES, 2020ISBN 978-3-96250-696-4
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Organised labour in the Israeli ICT sector / Ben Fisher. - Berlin : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Global Policy and Development, September 2020. - 11 Seiten = 200 KB, PDF-File. - (Trade unions in transformation 4.0). - (Labour and social justice)Electronic ed.: Berlin : FES, 2020ISBN 978-3-96250-653-7
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Godinho Delgado, Didice; Herberg, Mirko
[Didice Godinho Delgado, Mirko Herberg]. - [La Marsa] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung [Regional Trade Union Program], [2020]. - 37 Seiten = 6,5 MB PDF-File. - Electronic ed.: Tunis : FES, 2019. - Arabic script
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Mirko Herberg
+49 (0)30 26935-7458Mirko.Herberg(at)fes.de
Matthias Weber
+49 (0)30 26935-7744Matthias.Weber(at)fes.de
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