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Internationale Gewerkschaftspolitik: Publikationen


Hofmann, Norbert von; Schweißhelm, Erwin

China's membership in the WTO

a headache for neighbouring labour markets?
Bonn, 2003

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Towards a new Philippine labor movement

by Rudolf Traub-Merz. - [Quezon City : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Philippine Office], 2002. - 71 KB, PDF-File. - (Online papers
QuezonCity, 2004, 19052005

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Study on the collective bargaining in the hotel industry

by Divina Edralin. - [Quezon City : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Philippine Office], 2002. - 48 KB, PDF-File. - (Online papers
QuezonCity, 2004, 19052005

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Sinha, Pravin

Preparing unions in South Asia for the 21st century

Bonn, 2002

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Dahal, Dev Raj

The current trade union situation in Nepal

Bonn, 2002

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Sinha, Pravin

Issues before the Indian trade union movement

Bonn, 2002

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Qadir, Abdul

Unions and challenges: an analysis of the Pakistani situation

Bonn, 2002

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Shahul, Mohamed

Country report on the trade union situation in Sri Lanka

Bonn, 2002

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Philippine trade union profile

by Carlos Antonio Q. Añonuevo. - [Quezon City] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Philippine Office, 2000. - 53 KB, PDF-File. - (Online papers
QuezonCity, 2004, 19052005

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Sundaram, S. K. G.

Organisations working for the unorganised labour

the case of Mumbai
Bonn, 2005

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Mirko Herberg

+49 (0)30 26935-7458

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+49 (0)30 26935-7744

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