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Innovation systems and policies in EU member states of Central Eastern Europe ; Country briefing Latvia / Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies. - Budapest : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Budapest, 2024. - 7 Seiten = 605 KB PDF-File. - (Europa)Electronic ed.: Budapest : FES, 2024ISBN 978-615-6289-85-8
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Innovation systems and policies in EU member states of Central Eastern Europe ; Country briefing Lithuania / Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies. - Budapest : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Budapest, 2024. - 7 Seiten = 610 KB PDF-File. - (Europa)Electronic ed.: Budapest : FES, 2024ISBN 978-615-6289-86-5
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Innovation systems and policies in EU member states of Central Eastern Europe ; Country briefing Poland / Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies. - Budapest : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Budapest, 2024. - 7 Seiten = 610 KB PDF-File. - (Europa)Electronic ed.: Budapest : FES, 2024ISBN 978-615-6289-87-2
Innovation systems and policies in EU member states of Central Eastern Europe ; Country briefing Romania / Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies. - Budapest : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Budapest, 2024. - 7 Seiten = 620 KB PDF-File. - (Europa)Electronic ed.: Budapest : FES, 2024ISBN 978-615-6289-88-9
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Innovation systems and policies in EU member states of Central Eastern Europe ; Country briefing Slovakia / Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies. - Budapest : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Budapest, 2024. - 7 Seiten = 625 KB PDF-File. - (Europa)Electronic ed.: Budapest : FES, 2024ISBN 978-615-6289-89-6
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Innovation systems and policies in EU member states of Central Eastern Europe ; Country briefing Slovenia / Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies. - Budapest : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Budapest, 2024. - 7 Seiten = 620 KB PDF-File. - (Europa)Electronic ed.: Budapest : FES, 2024ISBN 978-615-6289-90-2
Martin, Matthew
Matthew Martin ; Issuing department: Division for International Cooperation, Global and European Policy. - Bonn : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung e.V., June 2024. - 19 Seiten = 500 KB, PDF-File. - (Debt sustainability assessments & their role in the global financial architecture). - (Economy and finance)Electronic ed.: Bonn : FES, 2024
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The case of Argentina / Verónica Grondona, Anahí Rampinini and Lisandro Mondino ; Issuing department: Division for International Cooperation, Global and European Policy. - Bonn : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung e.V., May 2024. - 9 Seiten = 160 KB, PDF-File. - (Study). - (Economy and finance)Electronic ed.: Bonn : FES, 2024ISBN 978-3-98628-482-4
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Rodríguez Llach, Alejandro
The role played by civil society networks in Colombiaʿs progressive tax reform / Alejandro Rodríguez Llach ; Issuing department: Division for International Cooperation, Global and European Policy. - Bonn : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung e.V., May 2024. - 13 Seiten = 440 KB, PDF-File. - (Study). - (Economy and finance)Electronic ed.: Bonn : FES, 2024ISBN 978-3-98628-481-7
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Milakovsky, Brian; Vlasiuk, Volodymyr
Reversing 30 years of deindustrialization / Brian Milakovsky, Volodymyr Vlasiuk. - Kyiv : Representative Office of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Ukraine, 2024. - 19 Seiten = 800 KB, PDF-File. - Electronic ed.: Kyiv : FES, 2024
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Mouzakis, Yiannis
Author: Yiannis Mouzakis. - Athens : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Athens Office, 2024. - [6] Seiten = 120 KB, PDF-File. - (Factsheet)Electronic ed.: Athens : FES, 2024
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Trautvetter, Christopher
An advocacy tool against tax privileges for the super-rich / Christopher Trautvetter ; Issuing department: Division for International Cooperation, Global and European Policy. - Bonn : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung e.V., May 2024. - 44 Seiten = 3,9 MB PDF-File. - (Study). - (Economy and finance)Electronic ed.: Bonn : FES, 2024ISBN 978-3-98628-469-5
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Korn, Franziska; Gohla, Vera; Dünhaupt, Petra
Spannungsfeld zwischen Menschenrechten, Transformation und wirtschaftlicher Souveränität / Franziska Korn, Vera Gohla, Dr. Petra Dünhaupt ; Herausgebende Abteilung: Abteilung Internationale Zusammenarbeit - Referat Globale und Europäische Politik. - Bonn : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung e.V., Mai 2024. - 18 Seiten = 280 KB, PDF-File. - (Analyse). - (Globale und regionale Ordnung)Electronic ed.: Bonn : FES, 2024ISBN 978-3-98628-483-1
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Hurley, Gail
Gail Hurley ; Issuing department: Division for International Cooperation, Global and European Policy. - Bonn : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung e.V., May 2024. - 35 Seiten = 1 MB, PDF-File. - (Debt sustainability assessments & their role in the global financial architecture). - (Economy and finance)Electronic ed.: Bonn : FES, 2024
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Raga, Sherillyn
Sherillyn Raga ; Jubilee USA Network, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung New York Office. - Bonn : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung e.V., May 2024. - 35 Seiten = 1 MB, PDF-File. - (Debt sustainability assessments & their role in the global financial architecture)Electronic ed.: Bonn : FES, 2024
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