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Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. - Vienna : FES Regional Office for Cooperation and Peace in Europe, [2022]. - 34 Seiten = 6 MB, PDF-File. - Electronic ed.: Wien : FES, 2022ISBN 978-3-98628-083-3
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Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. - Vienna : FES Regional Office for Cooperation and Peace in Europe, [2022]. - 11 Seiten = 1,7 MB PDF-File. - Electronic ed.: Wien : FES, 2022ISBN 978-3-98628-084-0
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Dakono, Baba
Baba Dakono. - Dakar-Fann : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Peace and Security Competence Centre Sub-Saharan Africa, January 2022. - 42 Seiten = 1,2 MB PDF-File. - (FES peace and security series ; 45)Electronic ed.: Dakar-Fann : FES-PSCC, 2022ISBN 978-2-490093-31-1
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Matejčić, Barbara; Bosanac, Gordan
Stories of ordinary people in extraordinary times / Authors: Barbara Matejčić, Gordan Bosanac. - Zagreb ; Vukovar : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung ; Europe House Vukovar, [2022]. - 33 Seiten = 1,6 MB PDF-File. - Einheitssacht.: Lica mirne reintegracije . - Electronic ed.: Zagreb : FES, 2022ISBN 978-953-8376-13-9
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Inspiring perspectives and key ideas for Helsinki 2025 / Raul Rios, Maximilian Rau, Jemile Bashimova, Sherzod Shamiev, Jelena Jevtic. - Vienna : FES Regional Office for Cooperation and Peace in Europe, 2021. - 8 Seiten = 2,9 MB PDF-File. - (Perspective)Electronic ed.: Wien : FES, 2022ISBN 978-3-98628-114-4
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Youth empowerment mechanisms in rule of law / Gabriela Saturova, Armi Korhonen, Arben Ristemi, Dmitriy Baksheev, Amila Husić. - Vienna : FES Regional Office for Cooperation and Peace in Europe, 2021. - 10 Seiten = 2,8 MB PDF-File. - (Perspective)Electronic ed.: Wien : FES, 2022ISBN 978-3-98628-115-1
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Youth perspectives on the prevention of violent extremism and radicalization leading to terrorism within a human rights framework / Mekan Narliyev, Peter Rigg, Gemma Sempere, Rita Ster, Büşra Öztürk. - Vienna : FES Regional Office for Cooperation and Peace in Europe, 2021. - 9 Seiten = 2,8 MB PDF-File. - (Perspective)Electronic ed.: Wien : FES, 2022ISBN 978-3-98628-102-1
Preventing cyberattacks on critical Infrastructure in the OSCE region / Aaron Joshua Pinto, Alexandra Borgeaud dit Avocat, Elena Lulcheva, Philipp Dietrich. - Vienna : FES Regional Office for Cooperation and Peace in Europe, 2021. - 11 Seiten = 2,9 MB PDF-File. - (Perspective)Electronic ed.: Wien : FES, 2022ISBN 978-3-98628-103-8
How COIVD-19 has shaped digitalization in education / Tlegen Kuandykov, Altynai Klimova, Maria-Afroditi Deilogkou, Sara Gace, Samuel Elzinga, Yuliia Shevchenko. - Vienna : FES Regional Office for Cooperation and Peace in Europe, 2021. - 14 Seiten = 2,8 MB PDF-File. - (Perspective)Electronic ed.: Wien : FES, 2022ISBN 978-3-98628-104-5
The OSCE role in strengthening youth involvement on environmental policy / Nato Beridze, Mario Ghioldi, Diyor Keldiyorov, Irena Marunović, Mihaela Claudia Pop. - Vienna : FES Regional Office for Cooperation and Peace in Europe, 2021. - 7 Seiten = 2,7 MB PDF-File. - (Perspective)Electronic ed.: Wien : FES, 2022ISBN 978-3-98628-105-2
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Verdad Abierta. - Bogotá-Colombia : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, November 2021. - 5 Seiten = 145 KB, PDF-File. - (Perspectivas). - (Paz y seguridad)Einheitssacht.: Implementación del acuerdo de paz resultó letal para el liderazgo social . - Electronic ed.: Bogotá : FES, 2021
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A debt that claimed 290 lives / Verdad Abierta. - Bogotá-Colombia : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, November 2021. - 9 Seiten = 290 KB, PDF-File. - (Perspectivas). - (Paz y seguridad)Einheitssacht.: Seguridad de excombatientes . - Electronic ed.: Bogotá : FES, 2021
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Verdad Abierta. - Bogotá-Colombia : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, November 2021. - 11 Seiten = 500 KB, PDF-File. - (Perspectivas). - (Paz y seguridad)Einheitssacht.: El silencio de los fusiles duró poco . - Electronic ed.: Bogotá : FES, 2021
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Verdad Abierta. - Bogotá-Colombia : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, November 2021. - 10 Seiten = 175 KB, PDF-File. - (Perspectivas). - (Paz y seguridad)Einheitssacht.: Colombia ante el espejo de la verdad . - Electronic ed.: Bogotá : FES, 2021
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Verdad Abierta. - Bogotá-Colombia : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, November 2021. - 5 Seiten = 145 KB, PDF-File. - (Perspectivas). - (Paz y seguridad)Einheitssacht.: Cinco años buscando la paz en medio de fracturas . - Electronic ed.: Bogotá : FES, 2021
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