Alle Publikationen zu Friedens- und Sicherheitspolitik

Evergreen, Lilybell; Lorca Arce, Aida; Simić, Saška

Climate of change

Reshaping military emissions reporting
Wien, 2022

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Rudolf, Moritz

China's global health diplomacy

Revisiting Beijingʿs pre- and post-COVID-19 outreach efforts
Bonn, 2022

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Felipe Aponte, Andrés; Ebus, Bram; Vargas Reina, Jennifer

Violent conflict and environmental degradation in Catatumbo

Bogotá, 2022

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Meier, Oliver; Staack, Michael

China's role in multilateral arms control

Bonn, 2022

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Dienes, Alexandra; Katsioulis, Christos


Russlands Krieg als Wendepunkt in der öffentlichen Meinung Deutschlands
Wien, 2022

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Borck, Tobias

Into the Gulf

The strategic implications of Germanyʿs new energy relationship with the Gulf monarchies
Beirut, 2022

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Dienes, Alexandra; Katsioulis, Christos


Russia's war as a turning point in German public opinion
Wien, 2022

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Vogler, Anselm; Webeler, Martin

Climate security and Europe

What are the direct and indirect consequences of climate change?
Vienna, 2022

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Meier, Oliver; Staack, Michael

Chinas Rolle in der multilateralen Rüstungskontrolle

Bonn, 2022

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Iran's Presidential Elections [1400] 2021

Contributions of the FES blog : June 2021 = Irans Präsidentschaftswahlen
Beirut, 2022

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Herbert, Matt; Badi, Emadeddin

Blessing and curse

Petroleum profits, control and fragility in Libya
LaMarsa, 2022

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Vogler, Anselm; Webeler, Martin

Klimasicherheit und Europa

Welche direkten und indirekten Folgen hat der Klimawandel?
Vienna, 2022

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Jargalsaikhan, Mendee; Munkh-Orgil, T.; Chultem, Nyamsuren

Mongolian women peacekeepers

Ulaanbaatar, 2022

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Novosseloff, Alexandra

A comparative study of older one-dimensional UN peace operations

Is the future of UN peacekeeping its past?
Nicosia, 2022

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Montanaro, Lucia

Insecurity in the Sahel

Rethinking Europe's response
Bonn, 2022

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