Alle Publikationen zu Friedens- und Sicherheitspolitik

Aw Ndiaye, Eugénie Rokhaya; Sidibe, Mame Lika

Security for all

Promoting democratic governance and inclusive security through CSO involvement in Mali, Nigeria, Cameroon and the wider ECOWAS region
Dakar-Fann, 2023

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Schneider, Marcus; Gürsel, Dilek; Starke, Clemens

Multipolarity and the Middle East: Exploring regional attitudes towards the Russia-Ukraine war

Short analysis
Nicosia, 2023

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Conflicting remembrance

The memory of the Macedonian 2001 in context
Skopje, 2023

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Dienes, Alexandra; Weiss, Simon; Katsioulis, Christos

In the middle of Zeitenwende

Change and continuity of public attitudes in Germany
Wien, 2023

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Dienes, Alexandra; Weiss, Simon; Katsioulis, Christos

Zeitenwende im Kopf

Kontinuität und Wandel in der deutschen öffentlichen Meinung
Wien, 2023

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Security Radar 2023

Zeitenwende for Europe: Public perceptions before and after Russia's invasion of Ukraine
Wien, 2023

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Harnisch, Sebastian

Deutsche Zivilmacht in der Zeitenwende

Zu wenig Macht, zu wenig Zivilcourage
Wien, 2023

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Rudolf, Moritz

Chinas globale Gesundheitsdiplomatie

Betrachtung der weitreichenden Bemühungen Pekings vor und nach Auftreten der COVID-19-Pandemie
Bonn, 2023

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Weiß, Simon; Katsioulis, Christos; Dienes, Alexandra

Angst vor der Bombe

Eine Umfrage in Deutschland, Frankreich, Lettland und Polen
Wien, 2023

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Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Kosovo in which the Kosovo Serb Community is in Majority

Prishtina, 2023

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Gachechiladze, Paata; Chopliani, Koba

Common values for rebuilding confidence between Georgians and Ossetians

Tbilisi, 2023

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Mahanta, Rhea

Political participation is key

How to strengthen youth as peace actors
Bonn, 2023

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Drapak, Mykhailo

Adaptive partnership

Implementation of the agreements between the presidents of Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova of January 2021
Kyiv, 2022

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Gerasymchuk, Sergiy

Analysis of the bilateral Ukraine-Moldova relations

Problematic and promising dimensions of cooperation
Kyiv, 2022

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Proko, Erisa

Harnessing the power of women in the security agenda

Achievements and challenges in mainstreaming and implementation of the women, peace, and security agenda in Albania from the public opinion perspective
Tirana, 2022

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