Referat Westeuropa/Nordamerika und Japan – Publikationen

Europas Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik

Preventing VERLT on social media

Youth perspectives on the prevention of violent extremism and radicalization leading to terrorism within a human rights framework
Wien, 2022

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Public-private partnerships

Preventing cyberattacks on critical Infrastructure in the OSCE region
Wien, 2022

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Resilience by design

How COIVD-19 has shaped digitalization in education
Wien, 2022

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Youth & good environmental governance

The OSCE role in strengthening youth involvement on environmental policy
Wien, 2022

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Vosstanovlenie bezopasnosti v Evrope

Perechod ot upravlenija otnošenijami k sotrudničestvu, osnovannomu na principach
Wien, 2021

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Vidnovlennja jevropejskoï bezpeki

Vid rezuljuvannja vidnosyn do pryncypovoï spivpraci
Wien, 2021

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Hillion, Christophe; Blockmans, Steven

Passer du doute à lʿassurance

Le service européen pour lʿaction extérieure en tant que soutien indispensable dʿune UE géopolitique ; Rapport élaboré par la task-force "EEAS 2.0"
Berlin, 2021

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Die Wiederherstellung europäischer Sicherheit

Vom Verwalten der Beziehungen zur prinzipiengeleiteten Zusammenarbeit
Wien, 2021

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Restoring European security

From managing relations to principled cooperation
Wien, 2021

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Hillion, Christophe; Blockmans, Steven

From self-doubt to self-assurance

The European external action service as the indispensable support for a geopolitical EU ; Report by the Task Force "EEAS 2.0"
Berlin, 2021

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Referat Europäische Union/Nordamerika


Matthias Jobelius


Hiroshimastraße 28
D - 10785 Berlin

+49 (0)30 269 35 7740


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