International Trade Union Policy

No democracy without trade unions

If our aim is to promote Social Democracy worldwide, then we must first strengthen unions. Through them, employees can shape society economically, socially and politically –ultimately aiming for decent work and social justice. We support advocacy groups that serve formal and informal employees in becoming more representative, democratic and independent. For this is the prerequisite for a successful mobilisation of their power resources, both locally and across state borders.

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The Competence Centre on the Future of Work addresses multidimensional aspects of the work itself by focusing on three thematic pillars: Responsible digitalsiation, New Forms of Work and New Technologies at the work place. For more information about our Centre click here.

News and publications on international trade union policy

Plenarsaal XIX der Vereinten Nationen in Genf. Im Vordergrund die Sitzreihen und im Hintergrund das Plenum.

Stress test for the international social partnership

At the 112th International Labour Conference (ILC), hardened fronts and distrust between social partners came to light. And yet the Conference was...

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An old woman receives help at home by a home care worker who provides nursing and care at home.

The platformisation of care – Interview with Caroline Murphy

Caroline Murphy from the University of Limerick, co-author of the study on care platforms, explains in this interview why care platforms are...

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Éine Gruppe von 15 Personen, die sich gemeinsam haben fotografieren lassen

Implementing what we are committed to

Joining forces for better compliance with labour standards in Africa: BWI, AfDB, and BMZ discuss the future of working conditions in donor-funded...

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Titelbild der GLU Konferenz. Es besteht aus vier Fotos, welche Gewerkschafter_innen aus verschiedenen Ländern zeigt. In der Mitte steht der Text "20 years of Global Labour University 2024"

Global Labour University celebrates 20 years of being a unique learning space for trade unionists

The problem: a lack of qualified trade unionists capable of proposing progressive economic and social policies. The idea: offer Master Courses at...

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Trade unions and right-wing populism in Europe

The rise of right-wing populist movements and parties throughout Europe is not without consequences for trade unions. In a sequence of short country studies and an analysis based on them, trade union options for action are examined.

The studies are available for download here:


More news can be found here.

Power Resources Toolkit

The toolkit offers hands-on methods and exercises on how to use power resources in key union fields of action: Campaigning and Organising, Collective Bargaining, Organisational Transformation and Policy Advocacy. more

Trade Unions in Transformation

Our project “Trade Unions in Transformation” has researched how trade unions respond to strategic challenges of the new world of work. more

Unions and Digitalization

A repository of articles, reports, tools and guides related to the digitalization of work and union transformation. more

Decent work in global value chains

Our goal is to ensure decent working conditions everywhere in the world. more

Transformation of the world of work

Shaping change is our aspiration and that of our trade union partners. more

International labour and social standards

Based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labor Organization (ILO)... more

How the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung approaches international trade union work

Trade union representation is a fundamental democratic right. It provides a relevant section of the population with the means to help shape the economic, social and political future of society around decent working conditions and social justice. Without trade unions there can be no social democracy!

Our international trade union work fosters social democracy worldwide. We act in close coordination with the unions affiliated to the German Confederation of Trade Unions (Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund - DGB). For the global trade union movement, our foundation is a unique partner, thanks to decades of experience and a worldwide network of field offices.

Our work helps trade union positions contribute to political and economical decision-making. This applies both within the countries where we operate, and at regional and global levels.

Trade unions, works councils and other structures for the defence of employee interests in the workplace can only function successfully when they are representative, democratic, independent, competent and effective. The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung has made helping trade union organisations to achieve this one of its core tasks.

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