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“In light of the rise in national populism and right-wing extremism, it is crucial that the migration history of both Germany and Europe as a whole be integrated into the culture of remembrance,” contends educational...
Using the example of Venezuelan migrants, regional studies show how receiving countries in Latin America already benefit economically. But the potential is far greater.
There is a need for intersectional feminist policies and collective action to address the conditions of migrant domestic workers. An article on the Feminist Forum on Migration and Displacement.
Why the call for Syrian refugees to be returned as soon as possible undermines the prospects of successful (re)integration and what should be done instead.
Contact persons for specific requests
African Migration Policy Center, Addis Ababa
Human mobility in a globalized world: Migration is not a problem we have to solve; rather, it is a challenge we want to accept. more
The current refugee situation cries out for a political solution. Now is the time to devise policy approaches that encourage integration and fair chances for everyone to participate. more
From a global perspective, the phenomenon of flight is nothing new; rather, it has been a tragic constant, especially during the past few decades. more
The causes for flight and displacement are manifold. Understanding their causes is, in turn, the prerequisite for reducing the number of their reasons. more
24 & 25 September 2024 | Berlin more
The future of migration and asylum in Europe more
Ten messages for a change of perspective on migration and mobility. more
Stadtführung in einfacher Sprache Wie ist die Kaffeespezialität Galão nach Hamburg gekommen? Warum sind die Dächer des Michels grün? Und wer war eigentlich der Salpeterbaron? Auf…
2022 wurde in Schweden zu ersten Mal eine Regierung mit Unterstützung der rechtspopulistischen Partei der Schwedendemokraten gewählt. Die rechts-liberale Allianz aus Moderaten, Liberalen und…
Im Jahr 2025 steht die Debatte um Flucht und Migration wieder im Zentrum politischer Diskurse. Eine besondere Rolle scheinen dabei junge Männer einzunehmen, die allein aus Syrien oder Afghanistan, aus…
Effects and challenges / Jakob Schwörer (ed.) ; Issuing Department: FES Nordic Countries. - Bonn : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung e.V., January 2025. - 96 Seiten = 1,4 MB. - (Study)Electronic ed.: Stockholm : FES, 2025ISBN 978-3-98628-651-4
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Krisztofer , Bodor
Key facts and labor market challenges / Bodor Krisztofer. - Budapest : Office Budapest Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, December 2024. - 21 Seiten = 420 KB, PDF-File. - (Analysis). - (Labour and social justice)Einheitssacht.: Külföldi munkavállalók magyarországon . - Electronic ed.: Budapest : FES, 2024
Download (PDF) (420 KB, PDF-File)
Tények és Munkaeröpiaci Kihívások / Bodor Krisztofer. - Budapest : Office Budapest Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, December 2024. - 47 Seiten = 1 MB, PDF-File. - (Tanulmány). - (Munka és társadalmi igazságosság)Electronic ed.: Budapest : FES, 2024
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