Spotlight: EU Asylum Reform

The future of migration and asylum in Europe

A reform of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) is to be achieved before the end of this European parliamentary term. In view of the renewed increase in the number of people wishing to immigrate to Europe, the debate revolves around isolation and defense. This does not do justice to the manifold aspects of human mobility and bears the risk of taking short-sighted political decisions.

Accompanying the CEAS process, this series of articles opens up German, European and international perspectives on a complex issue.


Annette Schlicht
+49 30 26935-7486

The EU flag on a burnt tent in the Moria refugee camp after the fire.

It is done – and we lost

Displacement, Migration, Integration | Migration policy

CEAS: With the Pact in its final stages, the focus needs to shift to implementation and alternatives, says Catherine Woollard from ECRE.

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Frontex border and coast guard officers monitor the border between Bulgaria and Turkey

Our commitment does not end here

Displacement, Migration, Integration | Refugee Policy | Migration policy

"Now it is important to ensure that EU law is always respected at our external borders and that the CEAS reform is implemented quickly and...

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Zwei Grenzpolizeiwagen und Beamte an einer Grenze, dahinter ein weißer Transporter.

The Human Life Cost of the New Pact on Migration and Asylum

Displacement, Migration, Integration | Migration policy

Safeguarding human rights must be at the core of any discussion when talking about managing migration and its challenges.

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June 29, 2022, Nador, Morocco: View of the border between Nador and Melilla.

The EU’s blind spots

Displacement, Migration, Integration | Refugee Policy

EU’s externalisation policy is benefitting smugglers, has adverse effect for Africa’s economic and social prosperity and overlooks that 96% of African...

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Spanish Presidency giant placard on EU council, in the EU council headquarters Atrium in Brussels, Belgium, 02 July 2023.

Ready for Adoption?

Displacement, Migration, Integration | Migration policy

The Spanish presidency of the Council played an important role in the negotiations of the EU’s New Pact on Migration and Asylum. A matter at the heart...

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Seenotrettung: private Seenotretter der Organisation "Ärzte ohne Grenzen" im zentralen Mittelmeer: die als Rettungsschiff gecharterte "Geo Barents" mit Overlay der Artikelreihe zur EU-Asylreform

Taking aim at sea rescue

Displacement, Migration, Integration | Refugee Policy

How the EU and its Member States are hindering civilian sea rescues and exacerbating the humanitarian disaster in the Mediterranean

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EU-finanzierter Teil des befestigten Grenzzauns mit Wachturm entlang des Evros-Flusses zwischen Griechenland und Türkei. Darauf zu sehen ist ein Overlay der FES-Artikelreihe zur GEAS, ein Symbol aus Stacheldraht und den 12 Sternen der Europaflagge..

No peace in sight

Displacement, Migration, Integration | Refugee Policy

The EU is preparing a new asylum compromise. But it does not really bring anything new to the table. The disappointed expectations of the citizens...

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Colourful handprints of children with the logo of the GEAS article series of the FES

Two steps forward, one step back?

Displacement, Migration, Integration | Migration policy | International Community and Civil Society

Ensuring an end to child immigration detention in Europe and globally.

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Auf dem Bild sieht man, wie Soldaten der tunesischen Armee versuchen, Ägypter während einer Protestaktion eines Flüchtlingslagers in der Nähe des libyschen und tunesischen Grenzübergangs Ras Jdir zu beruhigen, nachdem sie am 28. Februar 2011 vor den Unruhen in Libyen geflohen waren.

A prison guard for Europe

Displacement, Migration, Integration | Refugee Policy

The EU aims to externalise its borders and repel migrants deemed undesirable — a new deal with Tunisia assigns them a key role.

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Europaflagge hinter Stacheldraht

Headlines like “the EU agrees on asylum reform” are premature

Displacement, Migration, Integration | Refugee Policy

MEP Birgit Sippel on why a compromise on the new EU asylum reform is still pending and Parliament will face difficult negotiations with the Council

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Migration gestalten – gerecht und global!

Zehn Botschaften für einen Perspektivwechsel auf Migration und Mobilität. more

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