Annual Reports, Facts & Figures

Facts & Figures

202 million euro budget,
mainly from federal and state budgets (2023)

157.079  participants,
in 2,348 educational events e.g. discussion forums, symposia and exhibitions, in person and online in Germany (2023)

104 offices abroad
work to promote democracy and social justice (2023)

2,723 undergraduate and graduate students funded,
including 279 foreign students (2023)

1,100,000 volumes
in the largest specialized library on the subject area of the German and international labor movement. More than 30 million hits per year on the internet services

56,000 meters of written material
in the most traditional archive of all German political foundations on the history of social democracy, the trade unions, their personalities and other emancipatory movements (2022)

Annual Report 2022 / Outlook 2023

Annual Report 2022 Cover

Hardly anyone in Europe had seen it coming: the fundamental shock that Vladimir Putin inflicted on the world. On the night of February 24, 2022, the Russian war of aggression on Ukraine began and with it an energy policy earthquake, a geopolitical caesura. The year 2022 was marked by a turning point.

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Annual Report 2021 / Outlook 2022

2021 Jahresbericht auf grünem Hintergrund

The FES in 2021 – Dawn of a New Era.

We have reinvented the FES. A year of shifts and change lies behind us, the likes of which the Foundation has never experienced before: At the helm of the FES is a new leadership team. We are forging ahead with new ways of working, new structures and new pathways in dialogue with the policy-making sphere and society. In 2021, we were

able to reap the fruits of efforts from the years before. The “FES100” process

initiated by the Executive Board laid the foundations for this. We are thus able to assert with pride that we were not

driven by a pandemic of…

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Annual Report 2020 / Outlook 2021

The corona pandemic dominated the scene in 2020.

How can we emerge from the crisis along more just, ecological and democratic lines? How can protection be afforded to the most vulnerable groups? And how do we ensure that climate protection efforts are fair?


The report provides insight into analyses, debates and impetus.

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