Articles on International Community and Civil Society

Cover: Spotlight on Sustainable Development 2020 “Shifting policies for systemic change - Lessons from the global COVID-19 crisis”

Spotlight Report 2020 - Virtual Launching Event

Launch of the global civil society report Spotlight on Sustainable Development 2020 “Shifting policies for systemic change - Lessons from the global...

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Ein Farbikgebäude. Viele dunkelhäutige Frauen stehen an Tischen und schneiden Schnittblumen zurecht.

Time for a Post-Coronavirus Social Contract!

Henrik Maihack und Manfred Öhm ,

Global supply chains, added value and multilateral fora: Africa's integration is deferred to a distant future. But there are solutions. (English and...

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Eine lange Schlange von Menschen in Winterkleidung steht am Straßenrand.

Pay attention to the Global South!

While large stimulus packages are launched in the Global North, austerity and inequality amplify social conflict in the South, says Philipp Kauppert...

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EIne holländische Landschaft mit einer grünen Wiese und Windmühlen und einem Kanal im Hintergrund

Back to the Roots

Privatisations have led higher costs and lower quality of services. Jochen Steinhilber calls for a greater say for citizens in ipg-journal.


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Das Wort "COVID-19" aus weißen Tabletten geformt. Im Hintergrund sind aus Styroporbällen und Wattestäbchen geformte Coronaviren.

Global Quarantine X

International cooperation is under pressure in the corona pandemic. The G20, UN and IMF are bucking the trend. Read article on ipg-journal.

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EIn schwarz-weiß Foto eines Ladenfensters, auf dem "Pay your tax now here!" steht.

Fighting inequality through progressive taxation

How this can be achieved was discussed by four guests of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in a webinar at the Global Solutions Summit.


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Social Protection Floor - Social security for all people

How we can keep a sharp eye on states in the implementation of this goal? Michael Chinon has answers.

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Logo UN75 2020 and beyond - Shaping our future together

UN2020: A Civil Society Partnership for the UN We Need

The UN’s 75th anniversary is an opportunity to bolster the importance of global cooperation and multilateralism despite numerous challenges.

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Raum, in dem viele verschiedene Menschen zusammen tanzen. Unten steht: "Social protection Floor"

The space that holds us safe

The FES is excited to be part of the Global Social Protection Week of the ILO, taking place in Geneva this week.

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Porträt einer Frau mit schulterlangem, gewelltem Haar und einer Brille. Sie trägt ein weisses Oberteil und einen blauen Blazer, ihre Arme sind verschränkt. Der Hintergrund ist dunkelbraun.

Youth can lead by building international solidarity

Youth must nurture international connections on the basis of solidarity to solving global problems, says Seren Selvin Korkmaz on FES Connect.

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Konstantin Bärwaldt

+49 30 269 35-7501


All FES experts on the International Community and Civil Society

Social Protection Floor Index

Social Protection Floor Index

For millions of people the Corona virus is both a threat to their health and their job. Now is the moment to push governments towards establishing basic social protection. As an instrument to exert pressure, FES offers a map that identifies gaps in social protection worldwide. more

Spotlight 2030

Spotlight 2030

How close is the global community to reaching the Sustainability Goals? The annual Spotlight Report focuses on obstacles and contradictions regarding the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. more

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