The Mission: Affordable and clean energy for all


Claudia Detsch

+32 470 70 46 34


What is the challenge?

Soaring energy prices after the pandemic and Russia’s war against Ukraine have brought millions of households across Europe to the brink of energy poverty.

    What is the solution?

    This mission aims to ensure that no one is left in the cold during winter. This could be achieved by:

    1. Assisting in the renovation of poorly insulated homes in rural and suburban districts, beginning with those flats and houses owned or rented by low-income families.
    2. Setting up pro-active, target-group oriented ‘one-stop’ not-for-profit energy advice shops, especially in rural, disadvantaged areas.
    3. Helping those who are vulnerable to energy poverty to stop depending on inefficient, expensive, fossil-fuelled heating and cooling. Then, supporting them in the transition to cheaper, cleaner heating systems with long-term predictable funding rather than short-term emergency stopgaps.
    4. Establishing training and up-skilling courses for operators such as heating-system installers and plumbers.
    5. Subsidising the growth of Europe’s cleantech industry so that it rivals China and the US.

    How would this mission benefit Europeans?

    • Access to affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy is crucial to citizens’ well-being as well as a fair society and prospering economy. These measures would allow Europeans to enjoy adequate, affordable, reliable, safe, and environmentally sound energy services without the need for subsidies.
    • Air pollution and CO2 emissions would fall, while citizens’ health would improve.
    • Moreover, economic activity in the building sector would deliver decent jobs as well as more energy-efficient building stock. If the EU is to achieve its stated aim of carbon neutrality by 2050, the growth of the cleantech sector is vital.

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