Global Green Deals Forum

Program - 1 October 2020 - Online Conference - 10.45 AM to 5.15 PM


What would a good life for everyone look like? One which is democratic and self-determined for both young and old, in the city and in the countryside, in the global South and North and is independent of income and social background now and in the future? And how can all of this be achieved while respecting the ecological limits of our planet? Like digitalization, climate change is forcing us to confront the fundamental question about how we want to work, live and do business in the future. For social democrats and trade unions, this presents an opportunity to combine core concerns such as digitalization, decent work, social cohesion, economic development, innovation policy and preserving the natural foundations of life into a new social and environmental progressive project.
The massive climatic upheavals that we are already experiencing show that it is no longer a question of whether there is a social-ecological transformation. For quite some time we have been trying to get to grips, politically, socially and economically with the how of the impending transformation. And a large majority of the population expects concrete solutions that go beyond the old juxtapositions of environment versus work or climate protection versus prosperity.
The various Green Deals currently being discussed and negotiated in the EU, in municipalities in Latin America and southern Germany and in numerous companies and social movements around the world can contribute to providing answers. At stake are new mobility concepts and how to make cities and communities livable, to secure a clean and decentralized energy supply, to promote good nutrition and protect the landscape, but also how to foster communal participation, workplace codetermination and new global partnerships.
A social-ecological transformation offers many opportunities for a socially just transformation of society. For some, however, it also harbors risks and thus gives rise to new lines of conflict that cut across the traditional political camps. Instead of accepting social upheavals, we must negotiate and shape “just transitions.” This concerns not only the national and European levels. The transformation process is a global challenge. Its complexity involves taking into account the everyday realities of people in highly diverse countries and contexts and formulating offers that lead to a just balancing of interests and concerns throughout the world.

Objective of the Forum
We invite everyone interested to a political debate on the practical design of the social-ecological transformation. We aim to develop attractive and tangible visions of the future that demonstrate the viability of democratic and socially just change and offer the prospect of a better life for all. The goal of our public debate is also to introduce this claim into the Green Deals currently under negotiation and ensure that it receives a hearing.

Target Group
We are reliant on broad social alliances in order to project the tasks that lie ahead. In addition to our traditional social democratic partners and the trade unions, we therefore also want to work with other progressive parties, environmental movements, climate activists and science on the progressive project “social-ecological transformation.” To this end, we will focus on the municipal and communal level as well as the national, European and global levels.



On the piano: Nicholas Bamberger

Welcome and short introduction

Kerstin Pettenkofer, Facilitation
Christiane Averbeck, Managing Director Climate-Alliance Germany
Manuela Mattheß, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

IN FOCUS (Live-Stream)

How to Proceed With Climate Policies After the Corona Pandemic?

Interview with: Patricia Espinosa (Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC)
Followed by a discussion with: Sharan Burrow (General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation; ITUC); Karin Wallensteen (State Secretary to the Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven)


  • No Green Deal without a Just Transition: A Nordic-German cooperation on union perspectives (#debate)
  • Building people-centred cities - How to create more livable cities (#interactive) (Livestream)
  • All you need is less: Socially just sufficiency (#interactive)
  • Gas in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea – Leave It in the Ground! (#debate)

More details can be found here.

IN FOCUS (Live-Stream)

Europe, take the lead! – How the European Green Deal needs to be implemented now

Discussants: Saori Dubourg (Board Member of BASF SE); Reiner Hoffmann (President of the German Trade Union Confederation); Frans Timmermans (Vice-President of the EU Commission)


  • Re-Channelling Investment, Shaping Just Structural Change – Sustainable Finance Beyond Divestment (#debate) (Livestream)
  • Just Transition 4 Climate Justice – Ensuring a Global Energy Trans-formation (#debate)
  • Arguments for ambitious climate policies (#takepart)
  • Co-Determining Climate Action – How Employees Can Shape the Transition (#interactive)
  • Germany's Role in Building a Global Hydrogen Economy (#debate)
  • Could an Ecocide Law End the Destruction of Nature? (#debate)

More details can be found here.

IN FOCUS (Live-Stream)

Winning the hearts for a socio-ecological transformation

Diskussants: Ralf Fücks (Chairman of the Center for Liberal Modernity); Kevin Kühnert (Dep. Chairman of SPD and Chairman of the youth organisation "Jusos" );  Luisa Neubauer (Fridays for Future)


  • Arguments for ambitious climate policies (#takepart)
  • Get Out of the Trap – Paths to Development and Climate Justice in Africa (#interactive) (Livestream)
  • Beyond Acceptance - How We Can Shape a Decentral and Democratic Energy Transition (#debate)
  • A Green Deal for Latin America – Can a Socialecological Transformation Solve the Problems of Latin America? (#debate)
  • What Really Matters – Integrating Human Rights and Gender Justice into Successful Climate Policy! (#debate)

More details can be found here.

IN FOCUS (Live-Stream)

A Global Green Deal – How we will Proceed!

Discussants: Nnimmo Bassey (Director of Health of Mother Earth Foundation (HOMEF)); Delara Burkhardt (Member of the European Parliament); 


Kerstin Pettenkofer, Facilitation
Alexander Geiger, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

End of the event

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