- Berlin

The struggle for workers' rights in the electronics industry

Veranstaltungsnummer: 215576als .ics herunterladen

Event with Fahmi Panimbang, labour activist and researcher at LIPS (Sedane Labor Resource Center), Indonesia
Event in Berlin: The struggle for workers' rights in the electronics industry

The Indonesian government has designated electronics as one of six priority industries. In the electronics factories in Batam and elsewhere in Indonesia, workers encounter hazardous and toxic chemicals in unsafe workplaces. The government lacks in regulation and monitoring, an unreliable audit and certification business is at work to ease off consumers. What leverage to trade unions and labour movements have? Do labour strikes and consumer boycotts have any effect?

Presentation with case studies plus videosequences of "Bekasi workers fight back" by Fahmi Panimbang, labour activist and researcher at LIPS (Sedane Labor Resource Center)

Moderator: Sven Hansen, taz

Tuesday, May 16, 7 pm (free admission)
taz Café | Rudi-Dutschke-Str. 23 | Berlin-Kreuzberg


Tuesday, 16 May 2017
19:00 to 21:00

Attendance fee


taz Café, Rudi-Duschke-Str. 23
10969 Berlin


Annelie Evermann

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