The improving business cycle and labour shortages on the Danish labour market during this period is an important explanation, but evaluations show that the tripartite agreement and new integration and employment policies since 2016 have had an independent and significant impact on the employment rates of refugees and migrants in reunified families.
From integration to repatriation
Despite this nascent success, the right-wing populist and anti-immigrant Danish People’s Party (Dansk Folkeparti) pushed the liberal-conservative government hard on changing the paradigm in migration policies from integration towards repatriation. In early 2019, the government – with the support of the Social Democratic Party – decided to change the paradigm in asylum regulations and integration policies. The new immigration laws fundamentally shift the policy objective from integration in Danish society to repatriation to the migrants’ countries of origin. This paradigm shift means that immigration authorities will only issue temporary residence permits. Previously, migrants applying for permanent residency would benefit if they had been in ordinary employment, if they participated in volunteer associations, or mastered the Danish language. All these indicators of integration do not count any longer. Even the names of the programmes and income benefits have been changed to signal the shift from integration to repatriation. The former integration programme has been re-labelled as the “self-support and repatriation programme” while the integration benefit is now called the “self-support and repatriation benefit”.
Much criticism of the "paradigm shift" in immigration policy
Of course, this “paradigm shift” sparked extensive debate and criticism. The social partners criticised the repatriation laws for undermining the achievements of the tripartite agreement and labour market integration of refugees and migrants in reunified families. Humanitarian organisations argued that refugees were placed in a permanent state of uncertainty that could potentially have severe negative social and psychological consequences.
The Social Democratic government that came into office after the June 2019 general election supported the “paradigm shift” in immigration policies and was not inclined to concede to the critics. However, being a minority government, they only gained a majority in the parliament with the support of the Socialist Party, the Socialist People’s Party and the Radical Left Party. All three parties were strong opponents of the paradigm shift in immigration law. Therefore, a minor exception was introduced to the repatriation policies. If refugees have been in ordinary full-time employment for more than two years, they can be granted a permanent residency permit. This exception, however, only includes a minority of refugees and migrants in reunified families. Nonetheless, the Social Democrats reaped swift criticism from the opposition parties for breaching their electoral promises.
The new Danish repatriation laws transmit conflicting signals to refugees, the public authorities, as well as employers. On the one hand, the immigration authorities cannot issue permanent residence permits and instead must repatriate refugees to their countries of origin as soon as their grounds for humanitarian protection cease. On the other hand, the municipalities, employment services, and employers are supposed to continue their efforts to integrate refugees in Danish society and the labour market. Refugees and migrants in reunified families are caught in the middle, in a state of uncertainty and insecurity.
Thomas Bredgaard is Professor MSO (PhD) at the Department of Politics and Society at Aalborg University.
This commentary is a shortened and revised version of Bredgaard, T., & Ravn, R. L. (forthcoming): “Labour market integration of refugees in Denmark”, chapter in B. Galgoczi (ed.), Labour market integration of asylum seekers and refugees in main EU receiving countries, Bruxelles: ETUI-REHS Research Department.