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US Presidential Elections - Who won the Blue Collar Vote

Veranstaltungsnummer: 249499als .ics herunterladen

Panel discussion in English - Die Veranstaltung findet auf Englisch statt
One of the decisive questions in the 2020 election will be how the blue collar vote will be cast. In 2016, a significant portion of the white working class - disaffected by being left behind by post-industrial, neoliberal politics of the political elite in DC - was led to believe in the rhetorical antics of the disruptive force of Donald Trump. At the same time, Hillary Clinton was not nearly as successful in mobilizing the black blue collar vote as was Obama before.

In this panel discussion, we will look into the diverse factors that have defined the blue collar vote - in particular along the line of race and other demographic factors. Our experts will also speculate on why certain platform issues of either party did or did not speak to this particular section of the electorate.

Anja Wehler-Schöck, Sozialreferentin der Deutschen Botschaft, Washington DC
Sherry Linkon, Professorin an der Georgetown University

Moderation: Dr. Markus Faltermeier, Amerikahaus

In Kooperation mit dem Amerikahaus und dem DGB München

Wir bitten um Anmeldung bis spätestens 8.12.2020, 11.00 Uhr. Danach erhalten Sie bis 14 Uhr den Link zum Zoom-Meetingraum.
Die Veranstaltung wird in Form einer Online-Videokonferenz mittels eines Dienstes der US-amerikanischen ZOOM Video Communications, Inc. durchgeführt. Ausführungen zum Datenschutz finden Sie hier:

Weitere Veranstaltungen zur US-Präsidentenwahl:
25.11.20: Lateinamerika im Licht des Wahlausgangs



Wednesday, 9 December 2020
19:00 to

Attendance fee


München - ONLINE


Henrik Althöhn

Contact address

Herzog-Wilhlem-Str. 1
80331 München
Tel. 089-515552-40, Fax 089-515552-44

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