Displacement, Migration, Integration

  • Plenarsaal des Deutschen Bundestags in einer Sitzung

    A plea for a future-oriented migration policy

    Displacement, Migration, Integration

    There are currently good conditions for a return to a more objective debate and migration policy, says Marcus Engler from DeZIM.

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  • Visual "International conference Migration - a progressive formula"

    International Conference: Migration – a progressive formula

    Migration policy | Veranstaltung

    Migration is a poignant issue – in Germany and worldwide. Challenges are only going to increase further in light of global crises. We want to discuss progressive migration policy in Berlin on 24 and 25 September 2024.

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  • Labour migrant in Tripoli Libya at a stall with a bright blue turban.

    Navigating hardships: Migrant economic realities in Libya

    Displacement, Migration, Integration | Migration policy

    Despite civil wars and political instability, Libya remains an important destination and transit country for many migrants. Inside Libya, they often face precarious working conditions and uncertain living situations.

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  • Ein Mann steht mit dem Rücken zur Kamera und schaut sich ein Gemälde mit vier verschiedenfarbigen Kreisen an.

    Untapped potentials: Diaspora involvement for good labour migration policies

    Displacement, Migration, Integration | Migration policy

    A people-centred labour migration policy requires the involvement of the diaspora, says Dr Rachid L'Aoufir of the African-German Association.

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Article series

Spotlight: Migration - a progressive formula



Migration Policy

Human mobility in a globalized world: Migration is not a problem we have to solve; rather, it is a challenge we want to accept. more

Integration Policy

The current refugee situation cries out for a political solution. Now is the time to devise policy approaches that encourage integration and fair chances for everyone to participate. more

Refugee Policy

From a global perspective, the phenomenon of flight is nothing new; rather, it has been a tragic constant, especially during the past few decades. more

Causes of displacement

The causes for flight and displacement are manifold. Understanding their causes is, in turn, the prerequisite for reducing the number of their reasons. more

Related Content

Article series

Spotlight: Migration – a progressive formula


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Publication and Film

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Ten messages for a change of perspective on migration and mobility. more


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Crossing borders, building livelihoods

The insecure economic lives of migrants in Libya
LaMarsa, 2024

Download publication (750 KB, PDF-File)

Girault, Thibaut

Crossing borders, building livelihoods

The insecure economic lives of migrants in Libya
LaMarsa, 2024

Download publication (5,5 MB PDF-File)

De Leo, Andreina; Milazzo, Eleonora

Responsibility-sharing or shifting?

Implications of the New Pact for future EU cooperation with third countries
Brussels, 2024

Download publication (1,8 MB PDF-File)

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