Conflict resolution in the Mediterranean: Energy as a potential game-changer

Nikosia, 2023

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Aw Ndiaye, Eugénie Rokhaya; Sidibe, Mame Lika

Security for all

Promoting democratic governance and inclusive security through CSO involvement in Mali, Nigeria, Cameroon and the wider ECOWAS region
Dakar-Fann, 2023

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Gerasymchuk, Sergiy; Drapak, Mykhailo

Grand strategy of small alliances of Ukraine

Use of potential against the background of global challenges
Kyiv, 2023

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Schneider, Marcus; Gürsel, Dilek; Starke, Clemens

Multipolarity and the Middle East: Exploring regional attitudes towards the Russia-Ukraine war

Short analysis
Nicosia, 2023

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Yudin, Greg

Divides behind the facade of unity

Bonn, 2023

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Matveev, Il'ja

The crisis at the door

Social decline in Russia after 24 February 2022
Bonn, 2023

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Conflicting remembrance

The memory of the Macedonian 2001 in context
Skopje, 2023

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Hassebrauck, Lukas

No longer off the radar - NATO's enlargement to the North and its implications for the Baltic States

Riga, 2023

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Belarus change tracker

December 2022 - February 2023
Kyiv, 2023

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Bushati, Ditmir

Albania - Greece: Opportunity to unleash positive energies

Tirana, 2023

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Khan, Amina

Afghanistan Monitor

Islamabad, 2023

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Dienes, Alexandra; Weiss, Simon; Katsioulis, Christos

In the middle of Zeitenwende

Change and continuity of public attitudes in Germany
Wien, 2023

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Notte, Hanna

Russia's invasion of Ukraine

The Iran nuclear price tag
Bonn, 2023

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Azizi, Hamidreza

Close but complicated

Iran-Russia relations in the Middle East amid the war in Ukraine
Bonn, 2023

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Security Radar 2023

Zeitenwende for Europe: Public perceptions before and after Russia's invasion of Ukraine
Wien, 2023

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