Elderfield, Julian

The state of Lebanon's security sector

Nicosia, 2023

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Mukalazi, Miriam Mona

Security Radar 2023: Spotlight on the gender knowledge gap in security policies

Wien, 2023

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Walking among giants

Foreign policy and development strategies of small and landlocked countries
Kathmandu, 2023

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Javed, Sajid Amin; Dayo, Abdullah

Impact of the Russo-Ukrainian war on unemployment and poverty in Pakistan

Islamabad, 2023

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Duro, Foto

Building and maintaining operational military capabilities in Albania in the face of current and expected security challenges

Tirana, 2023

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Yusuf, Moeed; Akhtar, Rabia

Pakistan's geoeconomic pivot

Strategies, opportunities, and challenges
Islamabad, 2023

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Khan, Amina

Afghanistan Monitor

Islamabad, 2023

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McCallum, Judy; Cohen, Chelsea; Awate, Lucy

Breaking barriers

Empowering women in peace mediation for lasting peace in South Sudan
AddisAbaba, 2023

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Bushati, Ditmir; Merja, Albana; Dervishi, Glevin

The Berlin process in the new European security environment

Tirana, 2023

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Eminel Sulun, Emine

Exploring the political dynamics of the Euroasia, Euroafrica and Türkiye-North Cyprus interconnector projects

Implications for Cyprus

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Eminel Sulun, Emine

Repowering the Mediterranean

Reflections on grid infrastructure diplomacy

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Krumm, Reinhard; Stamberg, Tõnis; Strapatšuk, Irina

Feeling cornered

An analysis of the Russian-speaking minority in Estonia
Tallinn, 2023

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Christidis, Yiorgos

The interplay between the green transition, geopolitics and energy security

The changing energy landscape in Greece, Bulgaria and Serbia
Athens, 2023

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The world through Hungarian eyes

Foreign policy attitudes in Hungary in 2023
Budapest, 2023

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Bales, Marius; Heinze, Marie-Christine; Mutschler, Max

Zooming in on the Yemen war

The future of warfare and human rights in the Middle East
Bonn, 2023

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