Jargalsaikhan, Mendee; Altanzaya, L.; Undrakh, B.

Mongolian Kazakhs

from Bayan-Ulgii to the world
Ulaanbaatar, 2022

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Gantulga, Tuvshinzaya

Beyond horses and the frontier

Mongolia-United States relations
Ulaanbaatar, 2022

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Looking ahead

Geopolitical dynamics and scenarios for Syria in 2030
Bonn, 2022

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Klüver, Leonie

Restoration or reinvention?

The transatlantic relationship under President Biden and Chancellor Scholz
WashingtonDC, 2022

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Novosseloff, Alexandra

A comparative study of older one-dimensional UN peace operations

Is the future of UN peacekeeping its past?
Nicosia, 2022

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Montanaro, Lucia

Insecurity in the Sahel

Rethinking Europe's response
Bonn, 2022

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World protests

A study of key protest issues in the 21st century
NewYork, 2022

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Security Radar 2022

Navigating the disarray of European security
Wien, 2022

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Security Radar 2022: Country spotlights

Wien, 2022

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Security Radar 2022: Key findings

Wien, 2022

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Dakono, Baba

From a focus on security to diplomatic dialogue: should a negotiated stability be considered in the Sahel?

Dakar-Fann, 2022

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Matejčić, Barbara; Bosanac, Gordan

The faces of peaceful reintegration

Stories of ordinary people in extraordinary times
Zagreb, 2022

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Young Mongolians and the world in 2021

(National opinion poll results)
Ulaanbaatar, 2022

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Dare to change

Inspiring perspectives and key ideas for Helsinki 2025
Wien, 2022

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Nothing about us, without us

Youth empowerment mechanisms in rule of law
Wien, 2022

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