All Publications on International Community and Civil Society

Puljek-Shank, Randall

Beyond projects

Local legitimacy and civil society advocacy in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sarajevo, 2019

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Garroway, Christohper; Carpentier, Chantal Line

Why are we behind on SDG finance and what can we do about it?

NewYork, 2019

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Direito á informação em África

Windhoek, 2019

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Gnanguênon, Amandine

A cooperation of variable geometry

the African Union and regional economic communities
Berlin, 2019

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Rahman, Mustafizur; Bhattacharya, Debapriya

Graduating LDCs in an evolving WTO

Options and strategies
Geneva, 2019

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Schumann, Peter

The responsibility to act

German UN policy promoting stability and development in Darfur
Berlin, 2019

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Reinhardt, Dieter

A global common good

Improving financing for UN humanitarian aid
NewYork, 2019

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Hantke, Frank

Some thoughts: Civil society <-> democracy <-> civili society organizations (NGOs)

Prishtina, 2019

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Hantke, Frank

Disa mendime: Shoqëria civile <-> demokracia <-> organizatat e shoqërisë civile (NGOs)

Prishtina, 2019

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Álvarez Velasco, Soledad

Problemáticas y respuestas locales frente a la trata de personas y el tráfico de migrantes en Ecuador

Visiones y propuestas desde la sociedad civil
Quito, 2019

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Pembangunan Desa Berbasis Data

Analisis Isu dan Potensi Desa di Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan ; Desa Hutajulu, Desa Sihikkit, Desa Purba Dolok, Desa Sipituhuta, Desa Simangaronsang, Desa Marbun Toruan
Jakarta, 2020

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Policy papers on strengthening civil society organizations for enhancing educational services

Supporting Participation and Accountability for Communities' Educations (SPACE) Policy Dialogue for Enhancing Educational Services Project
Cairo, 2020

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[Policy papers on strengthening civil society organizations for enhancing educational services]

[Supporting Participation and Accountability for Communities' Educations (SPACE) Policy Dialogue for Enhancing Educational Services Project]
Cairo, 2020

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Hide, Enri; Llubani, Megi

The role of Albania's civil society in countering violent extremism

Tirana, 2018

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Galis, Tibi; Mayerhofer, Jack

Making "never again" a reality

What Germany can contribute during its next term in the Security Council toward preventing mass atrocities
NewYork, 2018

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