All Publications on International Community and Civil Society

Plottka, Julian

Mehr Bürgerbeteiligung in der EU

Wie kann die partizipative Demokratie auf EU-Ebene verbessert werden?
Berlin, 2020

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Mabera, Faith

UN-EU-AU cooperation in peace and security

The need for more coherence and coordination
AddisAbaba, 2020

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Mabera, Faith

A revitalised EU-Africa partnership in peace and security

Implications for EU financing for African peace and security architecture
AddisAbaba, 2020

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Maihack, Henrik; Öhm, Manfred

Time for a Post-Coronavirus social contract!

Berlin, 2020

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Ben Harb, Naima

L'engagement social

Levier de développement des compétences pour les jeunes ; Guide pratique
Tunis, 2020

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Torres, Héctor Rogelio

International institutional architecture

Could it be saved?
NewYork, 2020

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Plottka, Julian

Make civil society involvement bottom-up

How to reinforce participative democracy at the EU level
Berlin, 2020

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Abdulraʿuf, Muttaqa Yushaʿu

Strong labor market institutions

For decent work and greater inclusion
NewYork, 2020

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Zattler, Jürgen K.

Rising inequality

What are the implications for policymaking at the World Bank?
NewYork, 2020

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Baseline study of the state of play of security sector governance and the inclusion of civil society in security sector reform processes in Nigeria, Mali, Cameroon and Wider ECOWAS/ECCAS Region

Dakar-Fann, 2020

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Etude de référence sur lʿétat dʿavancement de la gouvernance du secteur de la sécurité (GSS) et lʿinclusion de la société civile dans les processus de réforme des systèmes de sécurité (RSS) au Nigeria, au Mali, au Cameroun et dans lʿespace élargi de la CEDEAO

Dakar-Fann, 2020

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Populism, identity politics and the erosion of democracies in the 21st century

A reflection from Bali Civil Society and Media Forum 2018
Jakarta, 2020

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Populisme, politik identitas dan erosi demokrasi di abad ke 21

Refleksi dari Forum Masyarakat Sipil dan Media Bali 2018
Jakarta, 2020

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Vuletić, Davor

The new dynamic of Europe

What can BiH hope for?
Sarajevo, 2019

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Kappel, Robert; Reisen, Helmut

G20 Compact with Africa

The Audacity of Hope
Berlin, 2019

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