
Although the multi-party system was formally reintroduced in Uganda in 2006 after decades of dictatorship and civil war, the country lacks independent actors and an enforceable legal framework. The aim of the government's political actions is not to achieve far-reaching democratisation, but to consolidate its own political dominance. The government's efforts to develop the country are limited by a lack of financial room for manoeuvre, inefficiency and corruption in the administration and high population growth. Successes do not benefit the wider population enough. The country's military strength in the region is also demonstrated by the deployment of troops in peace missions (Somalia) or to fight terrorist militias such as the ADF (Allied Democratic Forces) in the Democratic Republic of Congo, which directly threaten Uganda.

The semi-authoritarian regime carefully controls the available space for political and social actors and critical discourse. The government's interest in a socially just social order and political participation opportunities for large sections of the population is limited.

In this situation, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), which has been active in the country since 1967 with longer interruptions during the years of dictatorship, is trying to facilitate a critical dialogue with its partners from civil society, government and parliament and to offer a platform for democratic forces and different positions. The focus is on systematically analysing the existing deficits and creating an awareness that alternative approaches, particularly in economic and social policy, are necessary and possible, but that these can only be realised in a participatory, democratic system. Work approaches in the area of labour market and social policy deal, among other things, with the challenges in the informal sector, the conditions for socially just urban development and the prerequisites for sustainable public transport. In addition, the FES is committed to strengthening trade unions, promoting young talents and the inclusion of women in politics, business and society.

Find out more about our work in Uganda on the country project website.


Tangen, Sarah

Einer für alle und alle für einen?

Vom möglichen (Alp)traum politischer Parteienkooperation in Uganda
Berlin;Bonn, 2010

Download publication (83 KB, PDF-File)

Schwartz, Julia

What should be done to enhance tenure security in Uganda and further development?

The land (amendment) bill 2007, ITS shortcomings, and alternative policy suggestions
Kampala;Bonn, 2008

Download publication (370 KB, PDF-File)

Jahresbericht ...

gesellschaftspolitisches Beraterprogramm Östliches Afrika, Teilprojekt Uganda ; BMZ-Projekt: 198928277 ; Teil I: Politische, wirtschaftliche und soziale Entwicklung

Go to Publication

International justice systems & the International Criminal Court

opportunities and challenges for Uganda ; synthesis report
Kampala, 2007, 2008

Download publication (140 KB, PDF-File)

Ssenkumba, John

Political party financing in Uganda

Kampala, 2007, 2008

Download publication (246 KB, PDF-File)

Africa Department

Contact in Germany

Alexander Rosenplänter

Hiroshimastraße 17
10785 Berlin

030-269 35-74 36


Contact in Uganda

Uganda Office

Achim Vogt
P.O.Box 3860
EAU Kampala

+256 414 34 55 35
+256 757 345 535


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