
Ntseane, Dolly; Solo, Kholisani

Social protection in Botswana

Socio-economic and legal perspectives
Gaborone, 2023

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Employment creation potential in manufacturing, agriculture & tourism sectors and youth labour force skills audit

A Botswana case study
Gaborone, 2023

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Akintola, Lukmon

Africa regional brief: Human rights in the context of cimate-induced migration and displacement

AddisAbaba, 2023

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Kenia Gewerkschaftsmonitor

Berlin, 2023

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Südafrika Gewerkschaftsmonitor

Berlin, 2023

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African perspectives on preventing and countering violent extremism

Maputo, 2023

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Ben Youssef, Adel

Vers un nouveau modèle économique fondé sur la croissance verte et le développement durable en Tunisie

Tunis, 2023

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The German due diligence act and the automotive supply chain in Africa

An opportunity for trade union solidarity?
Johannesburg, 2023

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Simon, Hendrik; Monaco, Lorenza

Making the German supply chain due diligence act work for trade unions

Recommendations based on a study of the automotive industry in South Africa, Ghana, Kenya and Germany
Johannesburg, 2023

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Simon, Hendrik; Monaco, Lorenza

Die wichtige Rolle der Gewerkschaften bei der Umsetzung des Lieferkettengesetzes

Empfehlungen basierend auf einer Studie zur Automobilindustrie in Südafrika, Ghana, Kenia und Deutschland
Johannesburg, 2023

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Africa Department


Dr. Henrik Maihack


Konstanze Lipfert

Hiroshimastr. 17
10785 Berlin

+49 30-269 35-74 41


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