
Perceptions des Maliens sur les opérations internationales de soutien à la paix

Bamako, 2023

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Coulibaly, Fatoumata; Keita, Fatoumata

Femmes et mobilisations politiques

Discours et trajectoires
Bamako, 2023

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McCallum, Judy; Cohen, Chelsea; Awate, Lucy

Breaking barriers

Empowering women in peace mediation for lasting peace in South Sudan
AddisAbaba, 2023

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Repenser la politique sociale en Côte d'Ivoire

Abidjan, 2023

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Improving school textbooks in Cameroon

Studies on quality determining factors = Améliorer les manuels scolaires au Cameroun : enquête sur les déterminants de la qualité
Yaounde, 2023

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MISA transparency assessment 2023

The citizens' analysis of government openness in Southern Africa
Windhoek, 2023

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Ghana Gewerkschaftsmonitor

Berlin, 2023

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Nigeria Gewerkschaftsmonitor

Berlin, 2023

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Le terrorisme au Benin

Perceptions, actions et perspectives
Cotonou, 2023

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African media barometer

A home-grown analysis of the media landscape in Africa : Uganda 2022
Windhoek, 2023

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Africa Department


Dr. Henrik Maihack


Konstanze Lipfert

Hiroshimastr. 17
10785 Berlin

+49 30-269 35-74 41


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