
Publication hors-série de la FES ; No 2

Yaounde, 2024

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Perspectivas africanas sobre a prevenção e o combate ao extremismo violento

Excerto do livro
Maputo, 2024

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Women in peace mediation in Mali

A case study of women's participation in recent and ongoing peace processes
AddisAbaba, 2024

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Adaawen, Stephen

Climate change and human mobility in Africa

Contribution to discussions at the GFMD summit 2024
AddisAbaba, 2024

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Influencing migration policy narratives through the GFMD process: African state and non-state actors

Contribution to discussions at the GFMD summit 2024 ; In submission for GFMD RT5 draft background paper
AddisAbaba, 2024

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Role of diaspora in shaping narratives on migration and culture

Contribution to discussions at the GFMD summit 2024 ; In submission for GFMD RT5 draft background paper
AddisAbaba, 2024

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Goïta, Mamadou

Climate change & human mobility in Africa: Global political implications

Contribution to discussions at the GFMD summit 2024
AddisAbaba, 2024

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Akintola, Lukmon

Rethinking local actors' engagement in global climate mobility agenda

Contribution to discussions at the GFMD summit 2024
AddisAbaba, 2024

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MISA transparency assessment

The citizens' analysis of government openness in Southern Africa
Windhoek, 2023

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Interdependence and interactions in Ethiopian history

AddisAbaba, 2024

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Africa Department


Dr. Henrik Maihack


Konstanze Lipfert

Hiroshimastr. 17
10785 Berlin

+49 30-269 35-74 41


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