100 years of FES – find out more


Since its independence from France in 1960, Madagascar has experienced three phases of political upheaval and the establishment of four republics, but has still not found a lasting consensus on the structure of state order. The coup of 2009 plunged Madagascar once again into a socio-political crisis and deepened the polarization into opposing political camps. The country's political instability has far-reaching social and economic consequences, and in many areas the state is barely able to fulfill its basic function towards the population. Madagascar is one of the least developed countries in the world, 80 percent of the population live in extreme poverty, there is a lack of access to education and health services and there are hardly any career prospects for the young population in particular. A small political and economic elite profits from the country's rich natural resources and often blocks fundamental reforms, while corruption and a lack of rule of law continue to hamper the country's development. As a result of these problems, citizens' trust in state institutions is low overall. The country is rich in resources and fertile soil and has great potential for the production of renewable energies. However, the democratic deficits and the catastrophic effects of the climate crisis on Madagascar, particularly on its agriculture, are exacerbating the already difficult economic and social situation.

The FES has been active in Madagascar since 1964 with an interruption (1975-1988). In its work, it is particularly committed to promoting the common good orientation of political action, strengthening democratic institutions and their credibility and involving relevant social groups in political decision-making. The main target groups of its capacity building and advisory measures are representatives of political institutions, selected young leaders, democratically elected parliamentarians and multipliers from civil society institutions and trade union representatives. By promoting a new generation of democratic political actors, FES is making an important contribution to the stabilization and consolidation of democratic institutions and processes in Madagascar. FES Madagascar also places an important focus on regional climate and energy policy work in sub-Saharan Africa seeking to link civil society organizations with trade unions.

Learn more about our work in Madagascar on the project's website.


Rabary-Rakotondravony, Lova

Les campagnes et pré-campagnes électorales à Madagascar

De mauvaises pratiques en pratiques malsaines : Contribution à une amélioration des pratiques politiques sur la Grande Île
Antananarivo, 2019

Download (PDF) (500 KB, PDF-File)

Schneider, Marcus

Madagaskar im Wahljahr 2018

Konsolidierung oder Ausbruch einer erneuten Krise?
Berlin, 2018

Download (PDF) (130 KB, PDF-File)

Politikà #07. L'année de tous les dangers

Antananarivo, 2017

Download (PDF)

Politikà #06. Industrialisation: Il est grand temps!

Antananarivo, 2017

Download (PDF)

Politikà #05. Comment recoller les morceaux?

Antananarivo, 2017

Download (PDF)

Africa Department

Contact in Germany

Manuela Mattheß

Hiroshimastraße 17
10785 Berlin

+49 30-269 35-74 39


Contact in Madagascar

Madagascar Office

Marjam Mayer
B.P. 3185
Antananarivo 101

+261 20 2234424

+261 20 2225731


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