Academy for Social Democracy

Freedom, Justice and Solidarity - The Academy

The Academy for Social Democracy is an advisory and educational resource of the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation for people interested in and committed to politics. We offer the opportunity to reflect and learn about core values and main issues of 21st century Social Democracy. Our claim is “Politics requires a clear sense of direction” and our symbol is a compass.

Read Dr. Christian Krell's article on "Imparting expertise in the Akademie für Soziale Demokratie" for further information.

International cooperation

Our formats are mostly designed for the German public but we firmly believe that Social Democracy is a universal and international idea. It is borne by the conviction that the conflict between labour and capital shapes the political debate and reality not only in one country, but in all countries. In a time of internationally interwoven economies, global challenges and world-encompassing communication networks, this is more pertinent than ever. Hence, we are very interested in exchanging thoughts and concepts about Social Democracy worldwide.

Academy for Social Democracy

Godesberger Allee 149
53175 Bonn

+49 (0) 228/883-7106
+49 (0) 228/883-9223


contact form and newsletter registration (German)

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