Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft
International Politics and Society

Focus on Latin America (IPG 2/2004)
Latin America's European Option • Diaspora and Development • Argentine's Anomaly |text|

Germany's Role in the World (IPG 1/2004)
The Unilateralist Temptation. Germany's Foreign Policy after the Cold War |A.-M. Le Gloannec|.
Germany and the United States after Iraq. From Alliance to Alignment |S. Szabo|.

Origins of International Terrorism in the Middle East (IPG 1/2004)
International Terrorism is a strategy of weakness, argues Herbert Kitschelt. It signals the failure of regime challengers to rally broad popular support around alternatives to the political status quo. |text|

Putin's Second Republic: Russian Scenarios (IPG 1/2004)
Whither Russia after the elections? Putin faces the choice between Bureaucratic Capitalism and Authoritarian Modernization, is Sergei Medvedev's prognosis. |text|

Water: An Advocate for Reason. Win-win Solutions for the Nile Basin (IPG 4/2003)
Water conflicts are unlikely to lead into war. The Nile riparians have come to see the advantage of cooperating for an optimal distribution and control of water. |text|

South Africa: The New Divide (IPG 4/2003)
Post-Apartheid governments have managed to abolish racial inequality but due to the lack of employment, large segments of the population life in poverty. Still, democratic stability is not threatened. |text|

The New World of Privatized Violence (IPG 2/2003)
Declining state power in parts of the world is mirrored in the rise of privatized violence - to the point where "civilized society" all over the world is threatened. |text|

More on international politics and society:

Virtual Conference: Europolity - Changing Party Systems in a Deepening and Widening Europe

Promoting Effective States: A Progressive Policy Response to Failed and Failing States

The Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union

© Friedrich Ebert Stiftung | net edition malte.michel | 4/2004