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Rehbein, Kristina
A toolkit for CSOs to critically engage with the IMF / Kristina Rehbein. - La Marsa : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung MENA, Economic Policies for Social Justice, October 2023. - 20 Seiten = 340 KB, PDF-File. - Electronic ed.: La Marsa : FES, 2023
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Surwillo, Izabela; Slakaityte, Veronika
The consequences of the Ukraine war and the EU sanctions on the energy sector in Europe / Izabela Surwillo and Veronika Slakaityte. - Budapest : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2023. - 12 Seiten = 570 KB, PDF-File. - (Europa)Electronic ed.: Budapest : FES, 2023ISBN 978-615-6289-69-8
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The consequences of the Ukraine war and the EU sanctions on the energy sector in Europe / Tere Vadén, Antti Majava, Janne M. Korhonen and Jussi T. Eronen. - Budapest : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2023. - 11 Seiten = 540 KB, PDF-File. - (Europa)Electronic ed.: Budapest : FES, 2023ISBN 978-615-6289-70-4
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Knápek, Jaroslav
The consequences of the Ukraine war and the EU sanctions on the energy sector in Europe / Jaroslav Knápek. - Budapest : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2023. - 8 Seiten = 550 KB, PDF-File. - (Europa)Electronic ed.: Budapest : FES, 2023ISBN 978-615-6289-65-0
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Barrie, Jack; Grooby, Gael
How the Harmonized System Codes can/not support a circular economy and what else could be done / Jack Barrie and Gael Grooby ; Issuing department: Division for International Cooperation - Global and European Policy. - Bonn : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung e.V., August 2023. - 29 Seiten = 470 KB, PDF-File. - (Analysis). - (Economy and finance)Electronic ed.: Bonn : FES, 2023ISBN 978-3-98628-336-0
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Daibes, Farah
For a just and sustainable future in MENA and beyond / Farah Daibes. - Beirut : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Regional Political Feminist and Gender Office, September 2023. - 13 Seiten = 240 KB, PDF-File. - Electronic ed.: Beirut : FES, 2023
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Aleksieva, Remina; Tcolova, Kalina
The consequences of the Ukraine war and the EU sanctions on the energy sector in Europe / Remina Aleksieva and Kalina Tcolova. - Budapest : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2023. - 8 Seiten = 500 KB, PDF-File. - (Europa)Electronic ed.: Budapest : FES, 2023ISBN 978-615-6289-64-3
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Shah, Zulfiqar; Rafique, Muhammad
Zulfiqar Shah and Muhammad Rafique. - Islamabad : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), Pakistan Office, 2023. - 64 Seiten = 1 MB, PDF-File. - Electronic ed.: Islamabad : FES, 2023ISBN 978-969-9675-58-4https://library.fes.de/pdf-files/bueros/pakistan/20558.pdf
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Der Zeitenwende eine nachhaltige Richtung geben / Castellucci, Nübel, Ritzrau, Rölle. - Bonn : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung e.V., Juli 2023. - 7 Seiten = 1,7 MB PDF-File. - (Zeitenwende)Electronic ed.: Bonn : FES, 2023ISBN 978-3-98628-411-4
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Dawson, Mark
Proposals for reforming the EU's economic governance package / Mark Dawson ; Issuing department: Division for International Cooperation, Global and European Policy Department. - Bonn : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung e.V., September 2023. - 17 Seiten = 250 KB, PDF-File. - (Study). - (Economy and finance)Electronic ed.: Bonn : FES, 2023ISBN 978-3-98628-412-1
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The consequences of the Ukraine war and the EU sanctions on the energy sector in Europe / Francesca Andreolli, Francesca Bellisai, Massimiliano Bienati, Giulia Giordano, Michele Governatori and Davide Panzeri. - Budapest : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2023. - 9 Seiten = 510 KB, PDF-File. - (Europa)Electronic ed.: Budapest : FES, 2023ISBN 978-615-6289-63-6
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Labour law policy recommendations for decent work / Authors: Ban Xiaohui, Tobias Beck, René Bormann, Wolfgang Däubler, Li Kungang, Wang Fayang,Wang Qian, Yang Yang. - Shanghai : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Shanghai, June 2023. - 51 Seiten = 5 MB, PDF-File. - Electronic ed.: Shanghai : FES, 2023
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A Botswana case study / ILES - Institute for Labour and Employment Studies. - [Gaborone] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2023. - 33 Seiten = 3,3 MB PDF-File. - Electronic ed.: Gaborone : FES, 2023
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Labunski, Frank
The consequences of the Ukraine war and the EU sanctions on the energy sector in Europe / Frank Labunski. - Budapest : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2023. - 12 Seiten = 580 KB, PDF-File. - (Europa)Electronic ed.: Budapest : FES, 2023ISBN 978-615-6289-67-4
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Pētersone, Krista
The consequences of the Ukraine war and the EU sanctions on the energy sector in Europe / Krista Pētersone. - Budapest : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2023. - 13 Seiten = 550 KB, PDF-File. - (Europa)Electronic ed.: Budapest : FES, 2023ISBN 978-615-6289-66-7
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