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All Publications on International Community and Civil Society

Raja Mohan, C.

India and nuclear weapons

, 1998

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Staat und Zivilgesellschaft in der sozialen Entwicklung

Jahreskonferenz, 27./28. Oktober 1997
Bonn, 2000

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CARICOM, Central America and the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas

[two contributions
Bonn, 2004

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Concertación y legitimidad en América Latina

Bonn, 2004

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Ukraine in the contemporary architectonics of European security

by Hryhoriy Perepelytsa ... Composed and ed. by Olexandr Dergachov ... Center for Peace, Conversion & Foreign Policy of Ukraine .... - Kyiv, 1998. - 71 S. : graph. Darst. = 5450 KB, PDF-File. - (Analityčna dopovid'
Bonn, 2003

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Kappel, Robert

The future of Lomé

German options for reform in development co-operation between the European Union and the ACP Group of States
Bonn, 2002

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Graždanskoto obščestvo i pravata na ličnostta

Bălgarskijat opit v uslovijata na prechod
Bonn, 2003

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Dauderstädt, Michael

Can the young democracies of East-Central Europe cope with the double impact of transformation and integration?

Bonn, 1997

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Mai, Herbert

Rôle des services publics dans une société en mutation

allocution de Herbert Mai le 24 avril 1997 à Paris
, 1998

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La nueva representación política en Colombia

Jesús Martín-Barbero ; Manuel Espinel Vallejo ; Antonio Restrepo Botero. Fundación Friedrich Ebert de Colombia .... - 1. ed.. - Bogotá, 1997. - 76 S. = 1800 KB, PDF-File. - (Debate político
Bonn, 2004

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Graždaninăt i institucijata

Bonn, 2003

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Dauderstädt, Michael; Lippert, Barbara

No integration without differentiation

on the strategy for a scaled Eastern enlargement of the European Union
Bonn, 1997

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[Die Zivilgesellschaft im Libanon

(Seminar vom 24.-25. Mai 1996)
Bonn, 2004

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Tealakh, Gali Oda

Post-cold war developments in the Middle East and Europe

Bonn, 2004

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Gonzales, Anthony P.

Caribbean - EU relations in a post-Lomé world

Bonn, 2001

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