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All Publications on International Community and Civil Society

Wachtel, Howard M.

World Trade Order and the beginning of the decline of the Washington consensus

, 2000

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Witte, Jan Martin

Beyond multilateralism: global public policy networks

, 2000

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Ehrke, Michael

Zivilgesellschaft und Sozialdemokratie

Bonn, 2001

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Frieden im Nahen Osten - wird aus Hoffnung Wirklichkeit?

Podiumsdiskussion am 29. Juni 2000
Bonn, 2001

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Huthmacher, Heinz Albert

Politikinformation Grossbritannien 1999

Bonn, 2000

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The Euro-Atlantic alliance under the conditions of building European security structure

International Conference The Euro-Atlantic Alliance under the Conditions of Buildung European Security Structure
Bonn, 2003

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Maull, Hanns W.

Crisis in Asia

origins and implications ; preliminary version
, 1999

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Busse, Nikolas

Enhancing security in the Asia-Pacific

European lessons for the regional forum
, 1999

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Perthes, Volker

Der Mittelmeerraum, der nahöstliche Friedensprozeß und die Europäische Union

vorläufige Fassung
, 1999

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Schlesinger, Stephen

Transcending or defending the world of states?

The United Nations and its members
, 1999

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A great game no more

oil, gas and stability in the Caspian Sea region ; annex: Region of the future: the Caspian Sea, German interests and European politics in the Trans-Caucasian and Central Asian Republics
Washington,, 2000

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Sluglett, Peter


reintegrating the pariah?
Bonn, 2000

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Human rights and civil society in the Mediterranean

report of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership Conference, organised by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, the Forum des Citoyens de la Méditerranée, and the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network ; Stuttgart, 15 - 16 April 1999 = Les droits de l'homme et la société civil en Méditerranée
Bonn, 2002

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Ukraine, Central Europe and Slovakia

interests in and prospects for cooperation ; international conference, Bratislava, October 24. - 25. 1997
Bonn, 2003

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Duleba, Alexander; Lukáč, Pavol; Wlachovský, Miroslav

Foreign policy of the Slovak Republic

starting points, present situation and prospects
Bonn, 2003

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