Europe calling: Politik für Europa – Politics for Europe (#ec17fes)

Finanzkrise, Wirtschaftskrise, Flüchtlingskrise: Sie wirken wie Zentrifugalkräfte, die Europa politisch polarisieren und auseinandertreiben. Das Vertrauen in die Europäische Union, gemeinsame Lösungen für solch zentrale Herausforderungen zu finden, hat schwer gelitten.

Umso wichtiger ist es, zu fragen: Was hält Europa zusammen? Und welche progressive Europapolitik kann dem Pessimismus und den berechtigten Sorgen eine positive und zukunftsfähige Alternative entgegensetzen?

Mit Europe Calling (#ec17fes) adressiert die Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung diese Fragen und diskutiert sie in Rom (21. März 2017), Belgrad (9. Mai 2017), Budapest (12. Juni 2017) und Berlin (25.+26. August 2017), Straßburg (9. November 2017).

Europe calling entwickelt Ideen für ein soziales, gerechtes und freies Europa. Werden Sie Teil davon!

Financial crisis, economic crisis, refugee crisis: Those are the driving forces that are polarising the political debate in Europe. Their severity has contributed to a lack of trust in the ability of the European Union and its member states to find joint solutions for these central challenges.

It's time to ask: What is keeping Europe together? What unites us? And what kind of progressive European policies are fit to counter the pessimism and legitimate worries caused by theses crisis?

With Europe Calling (#ec17fes), the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung will address these questions and discuss them in Rome (21st March), Belgrad (9th May), Budapest (12th June) and Berlin (25th-26th August), Strasbourg (9th November).

Europe calling is developing ideas for a social, fair and free Europe. Join the discussion!


Europe Calling Strasbourg, November 9 at 11am to 4pm CET

The Female Face of the Far-Right. Country Perspectives and Progressive Counter-Strategies

Populism from the far-right has been gaining ground in Europe. For a long time women seemed to be hardly inclined to support right-wing parties, neither as politically active members, nor as voters. In recent years however, women are much more present in the leadership of right-wing parties and they more frequently vote for them. The question thus is: Why are women increasingly attracted by these parties and what can progressive parties learn from this development? The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung brings together representatives from progressive parties, civil society organizations and academic experts from several European countries to discuss this question during a Knowledge Café.

#ec17fes: Rückblick/Review

Europe Calling Berlin, 25.-26. August 2017

Democracy Calling - Kongress junger Demokrat_innen

Im Zentrum des Kongresses stehen junge, engagierte und politisch interessierte Menschen. Vor der Bundestagswahl sollen die "Jungen" mit ihren Themen und Anliegen sichtbar werden. 2017 sind circa 21 Prozent der Wahlberechtigten über 70 Jahre alt. Über die Hälfte aller Wahlberechtigten ist jenseits des 50. Geburtstages (circa 56 Prozent). Die Jungen sind also schon rein zahlenmäßig in der Minderheit und jugendpolitische Anliegen und Perspektiven auf Zukunftsthemen geraten dadurch in den Hintergrund. Deshalb wollen wir auf dem Kongress diejenigen hören, die sich bereits einmischen und diejenigen bestärken, die Lust haben sich einzubringen. Wir wollen einen lebendigen Kongress und viel Raum für Diskussionen, Vernetzung, Ideen und Projekte geben.

Europe Calling Budapest, 12th of June 2017

Refugee Policy - Europe and its Borders

Almost two years after the peak of the migration crisis, European policies seem to be shifting from a humanitarian approach to a stronger debate on security issues. This is nowhere better illustrated than in the debate of European external borders. Europe Calling Budapest wants to explore this trend. With case from Greece, Italy and Hungary we are asking: What is the current status of European borders; and how can we find the right balance between security and humanity?

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Europe Calling Belgrade, 9th of May 2017

Born Europeans

Europe Calling Belgrade discusses the legacy of the women’s movement in Serbia and Europe. In four panels the event formulates how “Women and minorities hold societies together”, how “Women rule”, what “Women do” and what “Women want”.

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Europe Calling Rome, 21st March 2017

Looking for a different Europe. Reflections and perspectives

60 Years after the Treaty of Rome the discussion about the future of Europe returns to the Italian capital. Two panels with high-ranking speakers from Italian and European politics and academia will debate "Equity, growth, solidarity: The three pillars of the future European Union" and "More inclusive, more political, more democratic. Europe beyond populism".

Politik für Europa

Europe calling ist Teil des FES-Projekts "Politik für Europa – 2017plus". weiter

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Arne Schildberg

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