#DigiKon15 – Program

A Convention of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, November 24th -25th 2015, Berlin

Program & video recordings

PDF version

Tuesday, November 24th 2015

01.30 p.m.
House 1, Conference Hall


Kurt Beck, MP a.D., Chairman of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

01.45 p.m.
House 1, Conference Hall

#DigiKon15 – who, what, where?

Organisational team

02.00 p.m
House 1, Conference Hall

2.0 / 3.0 / 4.0 …? On the digital future
of economy and labour

Input and discussion:

  • Andrea Nahles, Federal Minister for labour and social affairs

Discussion with:

  • Reiner Hoffmann, Chairman of DGB
  • Stephanie Renner, Founder of tape.tv, adviser for start ups
  • Dieter Schweer, Umbrella association of German Industry (BDI), Member of Executive Board
  • Martin Ott, Facebook, Managing Director Northern, Central and Eastern Europe
  • Moderation: Dr. Julia Kropf

03.30 p.m.

Coffee Break

03.50 p.m.

How to work?
Labour, economy and participation in digital society

Parallel Forums

  • How does digitization become social innovation?
    Input: Prof. Dr. Daniel Buhr, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen
    House 2, Room 6.01
  • Simple work? Labour conditions in digital production
    Input: Prof. em. Dr. Hartmut Hirsch-Kreinsen,Technical University Dortmund
    House 2, Room 4.09
  • Factories of the future – how to realize industry 4.0
    Input: Dr. Peter Stephan, Wittenstein consortium
    House 2, Conference Hall
  • Social sector 2.0 – the digitization of the social sector
    Input: Moritz Eckert, betterplace.org
    House 2, Room 1.01
  • Robotization of added value
    Input: Prof. Dr. Anja Richert, RHTW Aachen, assistant professor, faculty of mechanical engineering
    House 2, Room 1.02
  • Dissolution of limits in space and time? The future of labour
    Input: Prof. Dr. Kerstin Jürgens, University Kassel (Input will be translated into English)
    House 1, Conference Hall
  • Is labour being redefined?
    Input: Ulrich Klotz, computer scientist and labour lawyer
    House 2, Room 1.03
  • Gender and diversity in tech (English)
    Input: Bettina Shzu-Juraschek, Rails Girls Berlin
    House 2, Room 2.10
  • Social media and participation at the labour market
    Input: Dr. Anne Suphan, Universität Hohenheim
    House 2, Room 3.08
  • Digital culture!?
    Input: Tim Renner, State Secretary for cultural affairs of Berlin
    House 1, Room 121/122
  • Chances and risks of digitization at the labour market: How can we reach a in-win situation?
    Input: Annelie Buntenbach, DGB member of board of directors
    House 2, Room 6.09
  • Sharing Economy: economic potentials and societal issues
    Input: Brigitte Zypries, Parlamentary State Secretary BMWi
    House 1, Room 119
  • Labour in the digital age
    Input: Heinrich Tiemann, former State Secretary
    House 2, Room 1.04
  • Creative Capitalism – the creative industry as a blue print for the future of labour
    Input: Dagmar Bornemann, db&
    House 1, Room 120

04.50 p.m.

time to change the forum

05.00 p.m.

//Second Round//

How to work?
Labour, economy, society and participation
in digital society

06.00 p.m.


07.10 p.m.
House 1, Conference Hall

Networks, Platforms, data – wealth for everyone?

Discussion with:

  • Prof. Dr. Saskia Sassen, Robert S. Lynd Professor of Sociology, Columbia University
  • Jörg Hofmann, Chairman of IG Metall
  • Dr. Nicklas Lundblad, Senior Director Public Policy & Government, Relations for Europe & The EU, Google
  • Moderation: Sandra Berndt

09.00 p.m.

End of first day of convention

Wednesday, November 25th 2015

09.00 a.m.
House 1, Conference Hall

Politics in "Neuland"


  • Markus Beckedahl, Netzpolitik.org
  • Gerd Billen, Secretary of State, Federal Ministry of Justice and Customer Protection
  • Valentina Kerst, D64
  • Matthias Machnig, Secretary of State, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
  • Moderation: Anke Fink

10.30 a.m.

How to decide?
Public, private and the digital

Parallel Forums

  • New public spheres
    Input: Dirk von Gehlen, Journalist
    House 2, Room 1.04
  • Public media platforms – a model for digitization?
    Input: Prof. Dr. Christoph Bieber, University Duisburg-Essen
    House 1, Room 121/122
  • Data protection and personal rights
    Input: Peter Schaar, former federal guardian of personal data protection(Input will be translated into English)
    House 2, Conference Hall
  • Deliberation in digitization?
    Input: Robert Misik,Journalist
    House 2, Room 2.10
  • Political education in digitization
    Input: Jöran Muuß-Meerholz, J&K - Jöran und Konsorten
    House 2, Room 3.08
  • Freedom in times of surveillance
    Input: Christian Flisek, MdB, Speaker of the SPD in the NSA-investigation committee
    House 2, Room 6.09
  • Digital added value, democracy and protection of fundamental rights in the EU and USA
    Input: Elisabeth Kotthaus, Representation of the European Commission in Germany
    House 1, Room 120
  • Big data and smart cities: Challenges ahead for the right to privacy (English)
    Input: Eva Blum-Dumontet, advocacy officer at privacy international
    House 2, Room 6.01
  • The formation of opinion in the echo chamber – social media and personalized news
    Input: Dr. Jasmin Siri, Socioligist, University of Munich
    House 2, Room 1.02
  • Digital natives – youtubeing, swiping, getting involved
    Input: Anna Frey, MinaxYouth Marketing
    House 1, Room 335
  • eDemocracy
    Input: Daniel Roleff, administration to the Berlin senate for finance
    House 2, Room 4.09
  • Fourth power reloaded: How data and code are changing journalism
    Input: Vanessa Wormer, data journalist
    House 2, Room 1.03
  • Digitization for everyone! Politics of order and justice in a digitized world
    Input: Dr. Carlo Velten, CEO of CRISP Research AG
    House 2, Room 1.01

11.20 a.m.

time to change the forum

11.30 a.m.

//Second Round//

How to decide?
Public, private and the digital

12.30 p.m.

Lunch break

01.50 p.m.

How to shape?
Open access, public spaces – open society?

Parallel Forums

  • Open government / open data (English)
    Input: Julia Kloiber/Fiona Krakenbürger, Open Knowledge Foundation
    House 2, Conference Hall
  • We don't need no education Open education and open educational resources
    Input: Saskia Esken, Member of Parliament
    House 1, Room 120
  • Access to Culture in times of digitization
    Input: Marc Jan Eumann, State Secretary  for cultural affairs in North-Rhine Westphalia
    House 1, Room 119
  • The way young enterprises shape economy and society
    Input: Lena Schiller Clausen, entrepreneur and author
    House 2, Room 6.09
  • Harassment against women and gender debates on the internet (English)
    Input: Caroline Criado-Perez, activist and author
    House 2, Room 4.09
  • Key qualification media education – awareness and equal chances
    Input: Jana Kausch, Initiative D21
    House 2, Room 1.02
  • Open commons: Open licenses in the public sector
    Input: Magdalena Reiter, Open Commons Region Linz
    House 2, Room 2.10
  • Moocs and digital education at universities
    Input: Dr. Malte Persike, University of Mainz, methodology ans statistics
    House 2, Room 1.01
  • Hate-Speech on the internet – a phenomenon of the masses?
    Input: Prof. Dr. Andreas Zick, IKG, Nils Böckler, IKG
    House 2, Room 1.03
  • Grey is all practice: On the real state of digital copy right
    Input: Prof. Dr. Leonhard Dombusch, netzpolitik.org, Juniorprofessor FU Berlin
    House 2, Room 1.04
  • Social democratic values in digital society – a paper of the commission for fundamental values of SPD
    Input: Dr. Henning Meyer, Dr. Christian Krell, Dr. Thymian Bussemer
    House 2, Room 6.01
  • International law of the internet
    Input: Dr. Matthias Kettenmann, Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Lars Klingbeil, Member of Parliament
    House 1, Room 121/122
  • Enable and motivate: How online participation can work
    Input: Anni Schlumberger, Integrata Foundation
    House 2, Room 3.08

03.00 p.m.
House 1, Conference Hall

#DigiKon15 – Thinking ahead digitization

Fishbowl – among others with:

  • Nico Lumma, D64

04.15 p.m.
House 1, Conference Hall

What remains, what ist coming - an outlook

Lars Klingbeil, MP, Speaker of the SPD for the Digital Agenda

04.30 p.m.

End of the convention

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