Corona Brief Africa

Der #FESAfricaCoronaBrief, ein Blog mit dem Titel: „Zerreißprobe: Wie COVID-19 auf afrikanische Gesellschaften trifft“, untersucht wie afrikanische Länder, Regierungen und Gemeinschaften mit der Pandemie umgehen.

Mit Beiträgen von unseren 25 FES-Büros in Subsahara-Afrika, von Partner-Organisationen und uns verbundenen Expert_innen soll dieser Blog afrikanischen und internationalen Stimmen eine Plattform bieten, um hier die Gefahren für die Gesellschaften, aber auch mögliche Wege zu afrikanischen Lösungen aufzuzeigen.

Die in diesem Blog geäußerten Meinungen sind nicht notwendigerweise die der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.

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Farmer beim Gemüsepflanzen in Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso: Covid-19 and Terrorist Threats worsen Food Insecurity


Jean Philippe Jarry from Burkina Faso explains why Covid-19 is increasing food insecurity in a country already hit by violent jihadism.

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Polizeipatrouille auf einem Markt in Ghana

COVID-19 in Ghana: Rolling back the Human Rights Gains


The Ghanaian Justice Srem-Sai describes how the enactment of emergency legislation could turn "emerging democracies" into "democratic dictatorships"

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Dantopka Markt in Benin

Selling Vegetables in Times of Conflict and COVID-19


Norman Taku describes the daily struggle of women at his local market in Bamenda, Cameroon.

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Wahlkampagne in Burundi

Coronavirus and the Electoral Dilemma


Nic Cheeseman, author of several books on democracy in Africa, explains why postponing elections for COVID-19 may do more harm than good.

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SPLM-IO Rebellen mit Maschinengewehren im Südsudan

COVID-19 will increase Elite Competition over Resources

Interview | Blog

South Sudanese Activist Edmund Yakani on the multiple challenges for his country

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Minusma Patrouille in Mali bei der Datenaufnahme von drei Frauen

Covid-19: In the Sahel region, a health crisis may hide other ones


Baba Dakono from Mali stresses that it is not because of new challenges related to Covid-19 that the security situation in the Sahel is difficult.

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Justina Jonas

COVID-19 threatening the Jobs, Health and Living Environment of Namibian Workers

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General Secretary of Namibian Metal Worker Union, Justina Jonas, about Labour Day in the Times of the Virus.

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How the Youth of Organised Labour reacts to COVID-19 in Sub-Saharan Africa

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Preventing Workers from risking their lives (in lockdowns and political conflicts) - by Emmanuel Adjei-Danso, chair of IndustriAll’s Sub-Saharan Africa Youth Committee

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Supermarkt in Ghana mit Markierungen des Sicherheitsabstandes zum Schutz vor Covid-19.

Struggles for New Normals after Corona


The Zimbabwean author Takura Zhangazha is asking what should happen towards a progressive scenario after the pandemic.

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Minusma Friedenshüter in Mali

The United Nations Peacekeeping Operations: STOP or GO?

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Jean-Jacques Konadje from the Ivory Coast is calling for an adjustment of the missions of UN peacekeepers.

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Trucks in einer Wüste, Benin

Covid-19: an opportunity that must be seized


Faten Aggad, an Algerian pan-Africanist, highlights the opportunities created by the Corona crisis.

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Beninischer Schweißer bei der Arbeit

A new African socio-economic paradigm to confront the pandemic and its impacts


Reckya Madougou from Benin calls for a new socio-economic paradigm for Africa.

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Fake news and coronavirus, two global pandemics to counter!


Worse than the new coronavirus itself, fake news is wreaking havoc, says the Ivorian journalist Israël Guébo.

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The Corona Pace


Florent Couao-Zotti from Benin describes in literary form the side effects of coronavirus in his home country.

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The case for a global universal basic income


Ruth Castel-Branco from the University of the Witwatersrand about informal economy, lack of social protection and a possible way out by a global strategy of redistribution.

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Informal settlement Kibera

Comment la pandémie affecte le secteur informel au Kenya


Economiste et partenaire de la FES, Jacob Omolo, propose des options politiques pour le secteur informel du Kenya pendant et après COVID-19.

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Informal settlement Kibera

How the Pandemic is affecting the informal sector in Kenya


The economist and FES-Partner Jacob Omolo, is proposing policy options for Kenya’s informal sector under and after COVID-19.

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Leere Straße in Nigeria

COVID-19: Une lettre ouverte des intellectuels africains aux dirigeants africains


100 universitaires et écrivains de premier plan appellent les dirigeants à gouverner avec compassion et à voir la crise comme une chance pour un changement radical de direction.

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