Politik und Gesellschaft Online
International Politics and Society 2/2001

Reading Tips:

Business Week

Pete Engardio / Catherine Belton: Global Capitalism: Can it be Made to Work Better? November 6, 2000


Capital & Class

Special Issue: Environmental Politics: Analyses and Alternatives (Autumn 2000)


Communist and Post-Communist Studies

Review article: Marie Lavigne: Ten Years of transition (December 2000)

David Lane: What kind of capitalism for Russia? A comparative analysis (December 2000)


Current History

James H. Mittelman: Environmental Resistance to Globalization (November 2000)


Development Policy Review

Richard M. Auty: How Natural Resources Affect Economic Development (December 2000)


Foreign Affairs

Thomas M. Franck: Are Human Rights Universal? (January/February 2001)

Richard Falk / Andrew Strauss: Toward Global Parliament (January/February 2001)


Foreign Policy

Stephen M. Walt: Fads, Fevers, and Firestorms (December 2000)

Daniel W. Drezner: Bottom Feeders (December 2000)


International Affairs

Adil Najam / Nick Robins: Seizing the future: the South, sustainable development and international trade (January 2001)

Jean-Pierre Lehmann: Developing economies and the demographic and democratic imperatives of globalization (January 2001)

Gerd Nonneman: Rentiers and autocrats, monarchs and democrats, state and society: the Middle East between globalization, human ‘agency’, and Europe (January 2001)

Review article: Nicholas J. Wheeler: Humanitarian intervention after Kosovo: emergent norm, moral duty or the coming anarchy? (January 2001)

Review article: Jason Ralph: American democracy and democracy promotion (January 2001)


International Labour Review

Ajit K. Ghose: Trade liberalization, employment and global inequality (2000/3)


International Organization

Layna Mosley: Room to Move: International Financial Markets and National Welfare States (Autumn 2000)

Review Essay: James D. Fearon / David D. Laitin: Violence and the Social Construction of Ethnic Identity (Autumn 2000)


International Security

Review Essay: Gideon Rose: Democracy Promotion and American Foreign Policy (Winter 2000/01)


The Journal of Economic Perspectives

Kristin Mammen / Christina Paxon: Women’s Work and Economic Development (Fall 2000)


The Middle East Journal

Bruce Kuniholm: The Geopolitics of the Caspian Basin (Autumn 2000)

Review Article: Marilyn Booth: Coming of Emancipatory Age (Autumn 2000)


New Left Review

Timothy Brennan: Cosmopolitan vs International (January/February 2001)


Political Studies

Maeve Cooke: Five Arguments for Deliberative Democracy (December 2000)


Politics & Society

Central theme (3 articles): Transition in Eastern Europe (December 2000)


The Sociological Review

James Fulcher: Globalisation, the nation-state and global society (November 2000)


Third World Quarterly – Journal of Emerging Areas

Francis Fukuyama: Social capital, civil society and development (February 2001)

Graham Bird: Conducting macroeconomic policy in developing countries: piece of cake or mission impossible? (February 2001)

Linda Main: The global information infrastructure: empowerment or imperialism? (February 2001)

Review Article: Anna Leander: Dependency today – finance, firms, mafias and the state: a review of Susan Strange’s work from a developing country perspective (February 2001)


Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv – Review of World Economics

Jeffrey D. Sachs: Globalization and Patterns of Economic Development (Heft 4, 2000)


World Economics

Geoffrey Heal: Biodiversity in the Marketplace (October-December 2000)


World Politics

Review Article: Charles King: Post-Postcommunism: Transition, Comparison, and the End of “Eastern Europe” (October 2000)

For further reading tips in German language please refer to the homepage

© Friedrich Ebert Stiftung | net edition malte.michel | 5/2001